Video Games of eras past

last computer game I played thru to completion was Myst.
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Adventure is a great game. As for graphics-based games, I think Doom has never been topped.

(BTW, I say that because it's fast moving, not because of the quality of the graphics.)

You need to game again then.....

Baldur's Gate
Fallout 3

All EXCELLENT games. I am about to play Dragon Age and that supposedly rocks as well.
Leisure Suit Larry....

Best series ever (except Magna Cum Laude...that was a lame one).

Shape up or Slip Out was a good one.
You need to game again then.....

Baldur's Gate
Fallout 3

All EXCELLENT games. I am about to play Dragon Age and that supposedly rocks as well.

There are definitely good games that I have played since then, but none as fast-moving as Doom.
Adventure is a great game. As for graphics-based games, I think Doom has never been topped.

(BTW, I say that because it's fast moving, not because of the quality of the graphics.)

Man alive, we ended up with a pile of thermal paper two feet deep, one Christmas day, TI Silent 700 terminal connected to a DEC PDP-11.
