Victoria's Secret? N/A


Feb 23, 2005
Georgetown, ME
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Display name:
Harley Reich
Her Majesty(former wife) arrived Sunday from Fort Lauderdale for a month's stay(if we both survive). My youngest cat, Sky, at less than 2 years is a born explorer and will nose around anything not normally within his realm. So today HM and I were at the computer station while she e-mailed friends about her trip and the ordeals of O'Hare. Said computer station is two floors down from "Quarters." HM wasn't surprised when she felt two front paws on her lap. As she looked down I heard a "Oh my God," and she nearly split a gut. Deposited a couple feet from where HM was sitting was what Sky had toted down one flight of stairs, across mid-level, down a 2nd flight of stairs and across to where we were sitting. And he was looking pretty damn proud(and innocent). What a hoot! (He has expensive taste!)



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There's a smart a$$ comment to be made but I just can't bring myself to type it. It has something to do with what is on the floor and another name for the animal playing within said item.
I have a friend with two dogs that do the same to underwear. Quiet embarrassing especially in front of guests.
I'm glad my dog only likes socks. He brings me socks all the time. Or used to. I just installed a lundry rack in the utility room which houses 10 laundry baskets and so I don't have any stray socks laying around any more.
There's a joke somewhere about that being an "uplifting experience." I just can't get the bat off my shoulder.
There's a joke somewhere about that being an "uplifting experience." I just can't get the bat off my shoulder.

I'm sure you can come up with a "good one" by the time Her Majesty and I meet you and yours on May 25 at Owls Head Trans. Museum.

HR (and she's getting an "uplifting experience" from all your comments)

Not only that, she's throwing stuff out around here. Arrrrrgggggghhhh!!!!!
Dogs too...and it can be a delicate situation:

"Michelle, those are NOT your panties."

LaBoo, who had edged into the house through a crack in the door, walked out of the bedroom now with a pair of women's panties in his mouth.

"Christ, LaBoo, keep those panties out of sight," Marvin said. "Last night, she says, Where'd you get these panties? I dunno,I say. She says, Well they're not mine. I say, Honey, I sure as hell didn't wear them home.”
Some cats like to bring their "owners" what they no doubt consider "treats". Apparently Harley's cat must have figured this particular bit of apparel was something that HR would appreciate. Do you suppose the cat learn about Harley's interest in same from some past experience(s)?

On a marginally related note, when I brought my first cat home from the shelter he spent the first couple hours inspecting every corner of the small house I was living in and then laid down in the middle of the living room apparently satisfied with his new home. That night he expressed his appreciation for the change of address from a cage in a shelter by bringing me a whole loaf of bread that had been in a cupboard and leaving it next to my head while I was asleep in bed. He didn't open the plastic bag (something I later learned he was quite capable of) or attempt to eat any of it, just dragged it in and left it for me. I think the loaf weighed at least as much as the cat yet he managed to pull it up onto the bed at least a couple feet off the floor. As you might guess this was a cat with a lot of "character".
I have a friend with two dogs that do the same to underwear. Quiet embarrassing especially in front of guests.

My dog likes to.... Oh, nevermind, this is a family forum. Let's just say underwear would be an improvement. :rolleyes:
