vBulletin help


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
Display Name

Display name:
Dave Taylor
I am assisting in the start of a forum for viking owners, and want to describe the format for [ and yt and /yt etc for embedding a youtube video.

Of course, when I type in the exact format, it tries to actually embed a video.

What can I type, so that it doesn't do that, and the members can see the exact format?

ie like in Excel where you type a apostrophe before the numbers or formula and the apostrophe forces excel to ignore the calculation and treat it as text.
I think what you want is noparse. Let's see if it works
if you want:


you enter:

That looks right. This stuff is described near the bottom of the post reply window with a bbcode link

I think what you posted is correct, thanks Joe.

Now. The software is not recognizing and embedding the yt code.
Is there some switch we have to turn on, in vBulletin?
For that you need Jesse or Jason to describe how to define new bb codes.

I am blissfully ignorant of the inner workings of VB
There are other YouTube addons for vb. I'm on another forum where the syntax is hopelessly brain damaged. You click the icon and put the video ID in the box and it displays as the windows title! You then have to edit the code into the tag manually and fix the title.