Valley Christian School Lodging PIREP


Line Up and Wait
PoA Supporter
Jan 14, 2013
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Hi Folks,

The wonderful folks at VCS won't be offering lodging for EAA attendees in 2024 because they'll be replacing the roof as well as other factors.

Part of letter from Debbie Wallace:

"We have made the very difficult decision to “hit the pause button” on EAA lodging going forward. Why now? You might ask. We have seen this coming for a few years, but nobody could bring themselves to end what we all look forward to each summer. Our roof needs to be replaced during summer 2024, interfering with EAA, and so this became the catalyst for the big picture discussion of “can we do all of these things well?” Our determination was that we cannot. So, for summer 2024 and the foreseeable future, we will no longer offer EAA lodging."

I can't tell you how special the parents and staff that man this event are. They are kind, friendly, and offer the best of Midwest hospitality. It's really hard work for them, but they've always been gracious and welcoming. The facility is air-conditioned, clean, and quiet. They have been a blessing to EAA attendees and we'll miss them greatly.