Used aircraft prices heating up?


Line Up and Wait
Mar 19, 2017
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Maybe I'm crazy, and I've been called worse, but has anyone else noticed aircraft prices really taking off lately?

Personally I am paying close attention to Cherokees. Seems like only in the winter a mid-time engine "throttle quadrant" era VFR or low end IFR avionics (definitely not ADS B) Cherokee 140 was seeing asking prices in the $25-29k range. The past month or two it seems they're mid 30s on up. I realize basic med got more old timers back in the air, but I didn't think they'd be going after VFR Cherokees.

Good for the sellers if they're getting that kind of money now, but I hope it isn't a bubble and if I buy into it now they go back to $27k airplanes next year.
I agree I think used prices are coming up. Combination of Basic Med being passed and a strong economy.
Maybe I'm crazy, and I've been called worse, but has anyone else noticed aircraft prices really taking off lately?

Personally I am paying close attention to Cherokees. Seems like only in the winter a mid-time engine "throttle quadrant" era VFR or low end IFR avionics (definitely not ADS B) Cherokee 140 was seeing asking prices in the $25-29k range. The past month or two it seems they're mid 30s on up. I realize basic med got more old timers back in the air, but I didn't think they'd be going after VFR Cherokees.

Good for the sellers if they're getting that kind of money now, but I hope it isn't a bubble and if I buy into it now they go back to $27k airplanes next year.
I have noticed...

I have a habit (some would say "a bad habit") of perusing the classifieds every morning before work. I have noticed about 10% in the past three months...but this is on ASKING price, of course.
I have noticed...

I have a habit (some would say "a bad habit") of perusing the classifieds every morning before work. I have noticed about 10% in the past three months...but this is on ASKING price, of course.
I have the same habit with the classifieds.
I have been tracking prices (in my head) as well over the last 3 months and I feel that they have been increasing slightly as well. I was thinking over the last month or so that it was because of the possibility of cheaper avionics coming down the road and people who have good planes but basic panels felt like people would buy their plane now because they can be upgraded cheaper. Just a possible thought on the reasoning.
I think the lower end of the market; e.g. under 50K has crept up some. But I also see the higher end, over 200K coming down still.

I think the lower end of the market; e.g. under 50K has crept up some. But I also see the higher end, over 200K coming down still.

I don't know, I see old Bonanzas listed for stupid prices. Big piston twins seem to be slow, many (C421) that used to go quick at $300K are still available.
I have noticed...

I have a habit (some would say "a bad habit") of perusing the classifieds every morning before work. I have noticed about 10% in the past three months...but this is on ASKING price, of course.
Could be sellers see opportunity with BM coming into play, but who knows what they are actually selling at (or at all).
Only problem for owners: it makes "trading up" more expensive, because 10% of a more expensive plane is obviously more. Figures that I was planning on trading up soon.
Maybe, but I see a lot of planes sit. I have been told that Comanche's prices have ticked up as well a C-150's are outpacing the prices of Cherokees, which I do not understand. The model that I have been looking for are mostly nonexistent on the market as people seem to be hanging onto them.

But it could also be Summer and that prices will go back down in the winter.
I got my Comanche 250 for pretty cheap 1.5yrs ago but I still do a lot of online shopping. I too, have also noticed an upward trend in the under $75K range. My buddy is looking for his first plane (older Mooney M20C or Comanche 180) and those prices have gone up in the last six months. Good for my Comanche value, bad for my buddy!
Maybe, but I see a lot of planes sit. I have been told that Comanche's prices have ticked up as well a C-150's are outpacing the prices of Cherokees, which I do not understand. The model that I have been looking for are mostly nonexistent on the market as people seem to be hanging onto them.

But it could also be Summer and that prices will go back down in the winter.
C150's are obnoxiously high anymore. I'd love to see how many of them have been on the scales recently, and are flying actually below gross.
Ive noticed it too...Looking at Cherokee 180's its hard to find a decent one for under $40k. I was thinking about upgrading to a faster plane too, sure I can sell mine for more now but ill pay more for the new plane. So.....ill keep what I got because its still way faster and more enjoyable than driving. And untill I start doing really long trips, the cost to get a plane 20 to 30kts faster is not going to help much in the 3 to 400 mi range.

C-150 prices are on the rise??? I have to look because locally there is a nice looking one for $14k..hmm....
Not that I'm in the market, but from what I read here when someone goes looking to buy an airplane, they find a lot of junk before they find a keeper. That may be what you're seeing, that good flyable older airplanes are becoming harder to find, and it's pushing the asking prices up. The transaction prices on the good ones may be going up, that's probably not the case for the rattier airframes.