Use Dropbox on Linux? Get your note yet?


Final Approach
Nov 24, 2012
Hopewell Jct, NY
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I've been running Dropbox on all my systems almost from the day Dropbox opened to the public.
I like it. It has worked flawless for me.
I have 6 systems in the house, 4 Linux, 2 Windows.
According to Dropbox, unless I remove the default encryption on my ext4 /home folders on the Linux systems, the same default encryption running on EVERY Linux distribution world wide, they claim they can no longer sync the files. The same encryption I've been running day in and day out.
So I called them.
They immediately started blowing smoke, and couldn't give me an answer as to why it should "suddenly" stop working in November.
Way to go Dropbox. Force me to go to your competitor.

And I had such a wonderful day in the Cub today, I didn't think anything could harsh my mellow.
That's odd, unless I'm completely full of it I thought the OS did all the encryption/decryption and any applications like dropbox would just see and use it like any other filesystem. Don't see why it would make any difference unless there's some oddball permissions issue coming up.