U.S. Army plans construction project to support Afghan Air Force

Putting out a construction contract in one of the most corrupt countries on the planet -- would it be any better to just rake our money in a big pile and burn it?
Gee. I wonder who's aircraft will be stationed at said airstrip?

All that said, I really can't blame the Army at all. They're only trying to do the job we asked them to do.
Gee. I wonder who's aircraft will be stationed at said airstrip?

All that said, I really can't blame the Army at all. They're only trying to do the job we asked them to do.

Primarily Afghans. I have friends training the Afghan pilots at Shinadad. Afghans are just expanding the 3rd Air Wing there. They're also going to need room when the AT-6/Tucano shows up next year.
So how long will it be until the Afghanis uses those airstrips, and planes against us?
So how long will it be until the Afghanis uses those airstrips, and planes against us?

Probably sooner than you think...

The same applies to Egypt, Lebanon, Yemen, Libya, etc...

The Muslim Brothers and Al Qaeda are very grateful...
I'm not worried about them attacking the CONUS because it's too far. I'm not worried about them attacking the Israelis. I'm not worried about anyone attacking the Israelis. The Israelis know how to take care of business. They're bad ass.
Won't be forever. Or even that long.

People with loved ones over there see another two years differently, believe me. Besides, the end of 2014 drawdown is for combat troops only. US troops will remain afterwards in advisory roles, etc.

ETA: That was not supposed to come off as snarky, sorry.
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