TSA will love this!

Caution: Some of these stickers may cause offense to airport and immigration staff. But you would have figured that out whilst enjoying those cavity searches.


(plus 5 more characters)
Well I agree with Tim. But Transport Canada does not


thecheeky.com Stops Sales of Suitcase Stickers In Canada.
Due to the statement issued by the Canadian Government through the Ministry of Transportation for Canada, thecheeky.com will no longer sell suitcase stickers in Canada. ‘The full force of the law’ is too strong a statement to risk and we hope that at some point the Government will look around the world at some other reactions and re-consider their position.
The Daily Mail (UK) quoted a UKBA spokesperson regarding the suitcase stickers:
‘Our officers see a lot of joke stickers on suitcases and it doesn’t affect their professional approach to tackling smuggling of illegal goods. Staff that protect our borders are highly trained to identify people trying to smuggle illegal items. Our staff use intelligence and utilities the latest technology to ensure our border checks remain robust.’
Our intention has never been to cause risk or harm and was only to make stickers; stickers to put on a bag that might make people take a second glance and maybe smile… at the sticker. It’s a sticker. Our exposure to this media attention has been fun but not fun enough to hang out in prison and this statement puts us in a very awkward place.
The many orders for suitcase stickers that we have had in Canada will be fulfilled but after that we can’t take the risk and we’re sorry. All other products on thecheeky.com will continue. We hope.
Thanks for all the support that we have had from fans and let us reassure them that thecheeky.com takes fun very seriously and will continue to create innovative and exciting ideas that consider the Government’s regulations, rules and opinions.