TSA - Playing games?

Serious Games have been around about half a decade and are rapidly replacing standard CBT or computer based training.

Point your browser to Google and checkout Serious Games and Persuasive Games, many companies are investing in the format as the employee is able to learn and be testing using entertainment.

You can imagine it being the difference in laboring through a King School Video, versus being involved in an interactive application designed at skill building.

An RFI to create an SOO only implies TSA will conduct an industry day which allows vendors of Serious Games an equal opportunity to show their wares. This RFI does not mean that any government funds have been applied to purchasing anything, specifically a Nintendo.
I think that this just goes to show that new techniques have to be developed to match the learning style of people who grew up in the "video game generation". Here we now have a whole generation of people who have grown up with complete sensory bombardment by a variety of electronics, and now they are unable to learn something simply by reading a book or a manual. I myself have fallen victim to this in some ways, as I too find it easier to watch a video or demonstration instead of reading about it. Now, it's becoming more and more like videos aren't even enough... it's got to be interactive too! What are we going to use when this generation of children that I see walking around with their PSP, Nintendo DS, and iPod grow up and join the workforce?