Trip goals


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
What trip goals do you folks have? I am always mulling over in my mind places for my wife and myself to go, if we can ever get the time, the money, the home situation, and the airplane in the right condition all at the same time.

These are ones that keep popping up

Pacific NW
Baja again
Caribbean incl Cuba
Why not a transatlantic xing?

Which ones and why?
How to make it happen?

Back to my wine.:cheerswine:
Id like to fly to europe. Over canada greenland ireland etc.
Maybe next year i will have the time?
Your list pretty much matches mine. The wife and I would also like to
fly to New England sometime. We are talking about a trip to Yellowstone and over to Mt. Rushmore and will probably do the whale petting thing again to Baja late March. Lots of flying to do:cheerswine:
Don where do you go in the Baja?
I went to, and like Loreto but no whales ......except that dead one on the beach in December.
Mulege... no port of entry, worried about quality of food/housing.
I've been going back and forth with the idea of a trip to Mexico. Baja is within easy reach, but I don't know if I'm too risk averse to deal with all the bureaucracy, most of all US Customs on the return. If I ever do it, more than likely it will be a group trip, such as the Baja Bush Pilots or the Mooney Whales trips. This from someone who's one about a dozen int'l flights to Canada and the Bahamas.

I know both those groups go to Mulege and are very fond of the Hotel Serenidad, right on the coast with a private airstrip and a famous Saturday night pig roast.

To Don, I did the NM to Yellowstone flight in September, although I had a bit of a lead on you coming from the northern part of the state. Can't say enough about how wonderful it was. Flew into West Yellowstone Airport, which had easy access to rental cars and a super nice FBO, plus FREE camping on the field, in a real campground with bathrooms. We stayed in the park, but that's a nice amenity. The park is spectacular. Make the trip!


Mexico was a great trip. Cozumel or south of Cancun from here is four hours if one flied direct.

I've also been thinking of Alaska.

Looked at Europe but there are several issues that dissuade me. Of course there is the time over water, but also, there is insurance required now by one of the countries (it's affiliated with Iceland or Greenland) that is prohibitively expensive. It's a long flight, and if something went wrong, it could be very time consuming and expensive to fix (assuming this happened on land). I may look at it again, but see it as more as a trip for a couple real flying/fix-it folks rather than a relaxing fly with my nieces type trip.

Let'sgoflying! said:
Don where do you go in the Baja?
I went to, and like Loreto but no whales ......except that dead one on the beach in December.
Mulege... no port of entry, worried about quality of food/housing.

Dave, we flew to Guaymas for POE then across to the Hotel Serenidad(Mulege) the next morning we flew across the peninsula to Laguna San Ignacio. There is a whale tour operator takes you out into the lagoonin little Ponga boats that hold about 8 people. It is an amazing thing to have those big ol' whales come right up to the boat and let you pet them. The whale season is all through March and was still great when we were there first week of April.
Did the pig roast Saturday night back at the hotel. We had a great time.
The Ideal trip for me; is to fly low and slow around the US. Looks like I may get a chance to do it in the not too distant future with my new sport rating. Time it will take, well who knows but it will be a nice journey to visit many places and just take it all in. I have always wanted to do a grand circle flight of the US ever since I began flying.

For me,

A trip across the country, trying to stop and see all the good people on this board. Meeting all the people and putting faces with names, that would be great.
There are a number of places I'd like to fly....

I knocked one off my list this summer shortly after I received my PPL and that was to fly to Airventure. I only stayed for one day though because of the 1.5 hour minimum per day of $120 per hour.

I'd also like to do some type of cross country trip low and slow with nothing but a compass and sectionals. That just sounds like an absolute blast to me. Keep it simple.. J-3 or something from that era...
