Traffic sign is confusing the mortals


Touchdown! Greaser!
Gone West
Feb 12, 2005
Lake County, IL
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Danger, airplanes may try to air lift your car!
"DANGER: Tony's tow line did not release!"


there are some classic hilarious stories from the history of our club that have to do with towplanes, towropes, cars, and really smartass towpilots.

in our club, and in many other operations around, we land with the rope attached. not too bad except on our one runway with a few bushes on the approach end. every now and then you snag one and feel a little tug. gotta watch out for those powerlines too...
Here's my guess:

I've seen private strips where a road crosses the runway. And there
have been similar signs to warn cars.

DANGER: Your car will not fly, regardless of how much you want it to.
DANGER: My airplane likes to whizz on passing cars.
DANGER: My "relief tube" doesn't have a collection tank!
Is the sign on the side of the road for idget drivers? Or more appropriately on the side of the runway as a warning for the pilots?
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Is the sign on the side of the road for idget drivers? Or more appropriately on the side of the runway as a warning for the pilots?

Landing on runway 26 at 3CK can bring you close to vehicle traffic. Pilots who fly in there a lot know to stay at 1000'MSL as you cross Rankow road but not all pilots do. A few years ago a plane struck a semi-tractor as it drove by. I am sure both pilot and truck driver were quit surprised.