touch and gos while on IFR plan?

It's looking like this plan is pretty much a no-go.
I was hoping there was some way I wasn't aware of that would make it work without screwing up the system. Doesn't really sound like it.

Sorry we couldn't come up with anything that's likely to work for you. Why don't you call ATC there and talk to them.
Not saying this is a good idea but...

If this is an untowered airport, you could ask for the approach. When ATC says you can change to the advisory frequency you can then do just that, get down to VMC conditions and do the touch-and-go. From the touch-and-go, as you take off immediately transition to flying the missed approach. Call back ATC and tell them you had to do the missed approach. You should be able to get away with that.

I would never do this personally though.