Tongue-In-Cheek Amazon Review

Never realized it's so much trouble to pair socks up as they come out of the dryer. I sort them by color (blue, gray, white) and match them up. It's hard to buy less than three pair at a time, so there's generally six alike, making it easier. I must spend four or five minutes every couple or three weeks, flattening underwear and sorting/matching socks . . . When one wears out, I pitch that one, unless two wear out.

But I'm sure many Amazon shoppers will enjoy your review. I've worn Gold Toe socks for a while, but have recently discovered Dockers socks for work--thick, soft and last long. But wait for the sale--$36 for three pair is outrageous, they must be made by someone with a PMA or something. White socks are generally whatever's on sale when I need some more.

Part of the review is actually based on one of my odd habits: I do, in fact, replace all my socks, at the same time, with identical socks. It eliminates the sorting. And generally speaking, they do in fact all wear out at more or less the same rate and are ready for replacement at the same time.

Colors aren't a problem because all I wear for most of the year are white socks. I do have some thermal socks that are brown for outdoor use in the dead of winter, and I do have black socks for funerals and weddings. But I studiously avoid funeral and weddings, so they don't get much use. I just send money to newlyweds and flowers to corpses. Neither have complained about it yet.

I'm right there with ya Rich.

I have two types of socks. White and black. And they're all the same brand.

Sorting socks is a waste of lifespan.

If I have said it once, I have said it a hundred times:
"Proper sock rotation is critical to your overall well-being and your state of harmony with the world."
Rich is very Zen when he's not chasing debtors around with the chainsaw.
What I dislike is apparently black isn't black at all. After a couple of times through the wash cycle, they start varying from black to dark grey. It gets worse when you try to do a Johnny Cash look and find you have four different shades of black. Nylon holds the color but cotton sheds. I wonder if I run a pair of black socks or jeans through the wash enough times, will they turn out white?
I also approach sock wearing like Richard does. One guy I know made it huge in the tech boom of the early 90's. Got bought out and made a tidy sum. His solution: he only wears new socks. Wears them once and that's it. I must admit there is nothing like slipping an appendage into something new for the first time. And to be able to do that every day...if I wasn't so cheap I would probably go with that approach.
If I had enough money to wear a new pair of socks every day, I'd have enough money to jot have to wear socks!