tomorrow is not going to end well...

The most active BASE jumping site in the world is 485 feet high (the Perrine Bridge in Idaho). The New Year's day BASE jumpers in Nashville leapt from the 320 foot tall Grand Hyatt hotel. So the low elevation isn't necessarily a problem, but of course the BASE jumpers are equipped for and planning for such jumps--different scenario than the one David recounted where recreational skydivers had to make an unplanned jump from 1000'.
Yes. They have special chutes and hold the pilot chute in their hand tossing it as soon as they clear the structure or rock. That shaves seconds off the opening time.
I have landed a helicopter on deep snow in whiteout conditions. It takes training, though. And bravery.

HAATS helps ;) That's the High-altitude Army Aviation Training Site in Eagle, CO. Went there about 15 years ago. Great environmental and power management course.