Today's two milestones...


The pilot formerly known as Twin Engine Ted
Oct 9, 2007
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Today I had two milestones. One that's a requirement to get my license, and one that I found just cool.

Firstly, I took my written and passed it during my lunch time. The test was what I expected overall. I have been using the Gleim software at the recommendation of a friend, and I have to say I think it was a great way to study for the test. The questions were familiar to me and all made sense, so I was able to focus on giving the right answers. It also helped me on some of the things where their wording was ambiguous to me, to understand what was being asked.

After work, I then managed to use my ability to fly a plane to help a friend for the first time. I can't take passengers being a solo student still, but with my instructor's sign off I can fly the Cessna one way to an airport. My friend had to drop his Mooney off at an avionics shop down at LNS, so and I took off at roughly the same time. He beat me by about 12 minutes (on a flight that took me a bit under an hour... that Mooney's a quick plane), but I made it there, and then he flew the Cessna back. For me, it was really neat to get the opportunity to do something useful with the plane by myself. My instructor and I have done various trips that involved dropping people off and whatnot before, but that was always with him in the plane. There is something different about doing it yourself.

Getting close! :yes:
Thaks for te encouragement! :)

Plugging away at it. I'm not in a rush, but I would like to get this done so that I can get to the next phase of my training, since to me what I'm going for is my license to learn.