

Aug 15, 2012
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I took the plunge into ownership! I took possession of a Piper PA28-180. I couldn't be more happy..well for now...:lol: My plane was delivered to me from Texas at 11:30am this morning. Weather was perfect too. Insurance requires a stupid hour of dual so tomorrow Ill have that taken care of. Ive got a picture but im at work right now and cant upload it.

What's the consensus..blur out the N number or who cares post it?


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Who cares post it,congrats and good luck.
Congrats!!! I know you've had some challenges acquiring a good one.

Now go fly the snot out of it!

I'm cautious (paranoid?) when it comes to revealing some things...

...but my planes's N-number is certainly not one of them.

It's in my sig line, after all!

You can't go wrong with a Cherokee 180. It's just a good, solid, honest airplane. Let the adventures begin! :)
Enjoy it and come up and visit sometime.
Congrats on the 180! Have fun with it.
Very nice! Sooooo jealous!
My first plane was a Cherokee 140, wished it was a 180 but it still was good enufff to take me all over the US east of the Rockies for 10 years.

Congrats! Cherokees are good flying planes... until you get spoiled by the cruise speeds of something like an RV ;)
Flying your own plane is 10x more fun than renting.,

My first plane was a Cherokee 140, wished it was a 180 but it still was good enufff to take me all over the US east of the Rockies for 10 years.

Congrats! Cherokees are good flying planes... until you get spoiled by the cruise speeds of something like an RV ;)

I'll never forget that paint job it had.


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Congratulations!!! As a relatively new Cherokee 180D owner as well, I say, Welcome to the family!
CONGRATS!! Great looking plane!!
Congrats! Should be a nice cruiser

Thanks everyone! Took it up today for my insurance checkout and had a great time. It sure was great flying it and knowing it's all mine! I plan to make a short cross country in it this weekend. Oh and I'll say this, it climbs like a homesick angle but coming in for a landing it drops like a rock. Nothing like a 172. I was surprised at how fast she drops..

I've owned a PA28-180 for about a year and a half now, and though there have been plenty of times where I've beaten my head against a wall and handed somebody a credit card, overall it has been a great plane. They have a great mix of speed, payload, and economy that makes them practical for local runs or for trips of a few hundred miles.
Welcome to the club. Now go out and find a good mechanic that will let you do owner assited annuals. You will learn so much about your plane by doing them.
Congratulations and welcome to the Chevy club! Errr .... Piper club.
I second the owner-assisted manual, you learn a lot and it is easy to work on the Cherokees.
Nice looking Cherokee, I flew a 180D for quite a few hours. Nice solid airframe with few surprises. Congratulations.
Nice looking bird but we can't consider it yours until we have some panel shots as well!:D
it climbs like a homesick angle but coming in for a landing it drops like a rock. Nothing like a 172. I was surprised at how fast she drops..

Going from the 172S to the -10 was the same feeling. Those extra ponies make a big difference.

Here are some pics I took this weekend. Ive got to take some of the interior still which was recently redone. Panel is basic no frills. dual com/nav, nothing special but very clean!


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Good show on getting th' 180! :D You'll have a blast with it. Reasonable speed, and economy, and true four seat.