Title search


Pattern Altitude
Dec 15, 2008
Alpine, TX
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What is the best way to do a title search on an aircraft?
What's the goal of the title search?

If it's to purchase an airplane, your bet bet is an aircraft title and escrow company. They will be able to obtain them faster because they are there and will also be able to point out what issues there may be. AOPA's service is one of many.

If it's just to look and time is not that important, if you look up the N-number in the FAA aircraft registry (registry.faa.gov) you'll see a link at the bottom of the record that will bring you to the page (http://aircraft.faa.gov/e.gov/ND/) where you can order a CD of the title information. That information will typically go all the way back to the first registration. There's a small fee for the CD and an addition fee if you need them certified.

If you are planning on doing your own title search for something important, be aware that this is a lot like searching real estate titles. IOW, it helps a lot if you understand what you are looking at.
The CD Mark describes will give you not only the registration history, but also any paperwork filed with the FAA on modifications.

For a Cherokee we are looking at, I was able to get FAA paperwork describing the engine upgrade, instrument panel changes, prop balancing, and a bit more.

Takes about 2 weeks from date of order to receive the CD by USPS.
Yeah....kinda wondering the same when I placed my order....

What you get are a few PDF files of the scanned documents, melded into a document or three titled by category. Maybe some clerk is doing a search and building the PDF then burning the CD?

Possibly an older system that's not connected to the right web system to conduct the search and forward the documents via email.
Yeah....kinda wondering the same when I placed my order....

What you get are a few PDF files of the scanned documents, melded into a document or three titled by category. Maybe some clerk is doing a search and building the PDF then burning the CD?

Possibly an older system that's not connected to the right web system to conduct the search and forward the documents via email.

Many of the US computer systems are not on line for your protection.
Easy and cheap, once our POS govt' gets back to doing it's job, go here


Get the CDs and read the registration, look for anything from a bank or A&P or any one else who is taking a interest in the plane which might cause issues in the sale.

You really dont need a title company, if you're smart enough to pass the written you should be able to manage to figure this out too :D

Aint rocket surgery
Burning CDs and snail mail...

I guess the FAA is still stuck in the 90's?

All of that information is available to the FSDO in a system called "SPAS". I suspect the reason it's not available to the general public is security issues since some of the available documents have personal information contained.
I recommend AOPA's service, but right now, all you can do is wait for those bozos inside the DC beltway to put the government back to work.

When I bought a 50% share of an airplane, the AOPA title service found a lien on it, so I was glad I used them.