Tips for flying Chicago Shoreline?


Pattern Altitude
Nov 22, 2018
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is there shoreline along the way for emergencies? How far out from city is not only legal but age in addition? Etc?
Just fly below the bravo and have fun. It's one of the most spectacular flights you'll do. There are airports all over the place and the lake shore to boot. You'll have fewer options flying over the UP or the mountains WV.
You can get flight following now along the shoreline. They want you below 2000 if Midway is using 4/22. The only gotcha is if there's a game being played at 1060 W Addison.
You can get flight following now along the shoreline. They want you below 2000 if Midway is using 4/22. The only gotcha is if there's a game being played at 1060 W Addison.
I've yet to be able to pull off that particular trick.
Just do it. It's not anything special from an aviation perspective, but is damn cool...

I was in Palwaukee for work, when I departed I just headed east to the shore then turned south. I contacted Midway when I got close so I could transition. Definitely a flight I would recommend.
is there shoreline along the way for emergencies? How far out from city is not only legal but age in addition? Etc?
Just stay out of the Bravo. Call 120.55 from the north or 128.2 from the south for flight following. While not required, there can be a lot of traffic out there on a nice day. Someone mentioned the sporting event TFR's, ATC doesn't display them, monitor them or police them so they won't help/hurt you there.

Have fun!
To be honest, I don't even bother with FF anymore. Don't see the point. I see everything they see on my iPad with the ADSB.
To be honest, I don't even bother with FF anymore. Don't see the point. I see everything they see on my iPad with the ADSB.
To each their own friend.

I have the fanciest Garmin made ADS-B in/out machine with the newest iPad and version of ForeFlight.'s rare...traffic isn't displayed. Just had an IFR Cirrus cross in front of us 500 feet below not displayed on the way back from Sun n Fun.

You going to be at OSH again this year? Maybe we'll see you at @Jay Honeck party again if we make it on time.
To be honest, I don't even bother with FF anymore. Don't see the point. I see everything they see on my iPad with the ADSB.

Not everything displays, but you keep doing you.
To each their own friend.

I have the fanciest Garmin made ADS-B in/out machine with the newest iPad and version of ForeFlight.'s rare...traffic isn't displayed. Just had an IFR Cirrus cross in front of us 500 feet below not displayed on the way back from Sun n Fun.

You going to be at OSH again this year? Maybe we'll see you at @Jay Honeck party again if we make it on time.
If you don't see it neither do they. And yes, I am planning to attend the soiree of the mighty Honek.
If you don't see it neither do they.

Bzzzt. Wrong answer. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

"Traffic 2 o'clock and 3 miles, appears to be maneuvering, altitude and type unknown."

Non-transponder planes don't show up on your iPad, but the do ping the RADAR, as do flocks of birds etc...

But, you keep doing you.
Someone mentioned the sporting event TFR's, ATC doesn't display them, monitor them or police them so they won't help/hurt you there.

So when Midway cleared me through the White Sox TFR, they didn’t have authority to do so?
"AUTHORIZED BY ATC" is the out for the pilot. I'm fairly sure ATC can authorize things that aren't right over the stadium. There's a procedure for approving military flyovers, banner tows, etc... that goes beyond the operational whim of the controller.
For the stadium tfr I was told if I’m communicarion with controller and traversing that’s fine but don’t dawdle and maneuver....

Trip got cancelled anyway- was supposed to fly whole coast of Lake Michigan with a group of Cessna 120/140s but Wx looks iffy Sunday and lots of guys were coming from a ways a way...

So my son and I are going camping tonight at 5D5 on Leelanau Penninsula as today and tomorrow are good and we just bought new tent and such and did t want to cancel plans. I may take him to Mackinaw island in the morning to show him how the world shrinks even in a low n slow old taildragger... grab some fudge and head home, maybe stop at Alpena for some pancakes...
For the stadium tfr I was told if I’m communicarion with controller and traversing that’s fine but don’t dawdle and maneuver....

Similar. I was told not to linger. But who would want to linger around a White Sox game anyway? :dunno: :biggrin:
For the stadium tfr I was told if I’m communicarion with controller and traversing that’s fine but don’t dawdle and maneuver....

Trip got cancelled anyway- was supposed to fly whole coast of Lake Michigan with a group of Cessna 120/140s but Wx looks iffy Sunday and lots of guys were coming from a ways a way...

So my son and I are going camping tonight at 5D5 on Leelanau Penninsula as today and tomorrow are good and we just bought new tent and such and did t want to cancel plans. I may take him to Mackinaw island in the morning to show him how the world shrinks even in a low n slow old taildragger... grab some fudge and head home, maybe stop at Alpena for some pancakes...

If you are OK flying over water, should pop over to North Fox (6Y3) and check it out.
For the stadium tfr I was told if I’m communicarion with controller and traversing that’s fine but don’t dawdle and maneuver....

Trip got cancelled anyway- was supposed to fly whole coast of Lake Michigan with a group of Cessna 120/140s but Wx looks iffy Sunday and lots of guys were coming from a ways a way...

So my son and I are going camping tonight at 5D5 on Leelanau Penninsula as today and tomorrow are good and we just bought new tent and such and did t want to cancel plans. I may take him to Mackinaw island in the morning to show him how the world shrinks even in a low n slow old taildragger... grab some fudge and head home, maybe stop at Alpena for some pancakes...
Is camping available on the field at 5D5? I’m always looking for airplane camping opportunities. If you’ve been there, would very much like to hear about it. Thanks!
Is camping available on the field at 5D5? I’m always looking for airplane camping opportunities. If you’ve been there, would very much like to hear about it. Thanks!

YES! They allow camping and fires on field... two large grass strips. The east/west with almost zero obstructions and its 3500’! It was an amazing experience. The airport manager said there was no fire pit rings but we could make one with stones found on west side of the N/S runway. We built one and left it about 1/3 of the way north up the runway from the “terminal” building.

We had no sooner landed and there were 3 coyotes walking across the runway and we seen cranes and deer. Stars were brilliant as you are miles from any town- though the E/W does have pilot controlled lighting! No beacon to interrupt the dark.

There are bikes in the terminal building and air pumps for the tires as sadly it seems Woosley Memorial is a forgotten spot. Town I’m told is 3 mile bike ride.

I’ve been on smoother turf but it’s not bad! There was a V tail Bo parked there and my friend had no prob with his 172. Shirley of course was happy to be on a surface she was built for.

Please give it a shot! If you want company I’d love to go again- my son loved it.

The terminal building is sadly in need of repair and all but abandoned. Kind of Sad with the story behind the field. But maybe with some more activity that could be turned around.

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That sounds great! Thanks for the information. It could be a good alternative to North Fox, or even better, make it a double-header.
You made me look...

"there are simple men's and women's outhouses" Seriously?

Yes, now they are nice outhouses- not sarcastic- large, clean, not smelly...

The sad part is the terminal building which appears to be made from the stone foundation of the Woosley family barn... inside the terminal building it shows signs of water leaks, mouse droppings, just very abandoned feeling. It could be very cool with some cleaning and paint...