Those Flippin' Flaps . . . . .


Feb 23, 2005
Georgetown, ME
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Harley Reich
At Twitchell's 3B5, today, I was preflighting. I always lower the flaps under battery power, but don't raise them until the engine is started. The procedure went as usual, I taxied to top off with 20 gallons. During runup I did another flaps check, only to see them stop at about 5° deployment. ???????????
They wouldn't go down and they wouldn't go up. #^%@*&%$! The mechanic checked everything from circuit breaker to knowing that there was power to the UP and DOWN modes; but no action. Suspicion is that the motor decided it was time to quit. Phooey! We're hoping it may just be the brushes, something relatively simple. "They worked fine when I did the annual," he said.

It's supposed to rain for the next couple days, do it'll be a good time for him to resolve the PITA.

bummer. i had the flaps stick down at 30 degrees on a 172P a few weeks ago. made for a slow trip home from the practice area. cycling the switch multiple times didnt help. i believe it was a contact on the up side of the switch.
Sorry guys............. but I have to say it........ manual flaps rule!!! Now, having said that, my handle will no doubt snap off today after 51 years of service. :D
The A & P who did the annual just a few weeks ago said he was surprised at yesterday's problem, "...the plane being a squeaky clean, piece of cake project for annual." He's thinking more in the line of flap motor maintenance, rather than it having died.

Sorry guys............. but I have to say it........ manual flaps rule!!! Now, having said that, my handle will no doubt snap off today after 51 years of service. :D

True. It's probably happened, but I personally have never heard of Piper flaps failing to work properly.

It's even better, though, to fly a/c which don't have flaps! Rotors rule :D
There are those who agree. Though my flaps didn't work on April 25, my trusty camera didn't fail to catch the action 100' to my left.


EDIT: The photo sequence is showing in reverse of the order in which I took them. He was departing.


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Sorry guys............. but I have to say it........ manual flaps rule!!! Now, having said that, my handle will no doubt snap off today after 51 years of service. :D

Me too, 1964 172E, manual flips are the only way to go.:yes:
Manual Flaps, YES! 1962 Piper Cherokee 180 . . . . If the flap motors dies, someone else better know how to fly the plane :D
There are those who agree. Though my flaps didn't work on April 25, my trusty camera didn't fail to catch the action 100' to my left.


EDIT: The photo sequence is showing in reverse of the order in which I took them. He was departing.

Nice shots. The nose up attitude BTW is typical of Robinsons without left seat pax -- the CG is pretty far aft, especially with full fuel.
Harley, I'm interested to know what the outcome of this is. I'm in the middle of a flap problem on my own C-172L (N9864G). Does yours have the switch you have to hold down to deploy and retrurn to neutral after retraction (and with 40 degrees of flaps)?
Inquiring mijnd wants to know.....
Yup; same bird, C-172L; except mine was built in November 1970. There's a 492 difference in serial #s between yours(newer) and mine. Same flap switch w/40.
I'll keep you posted.
