THIS Will Ruin Your Day

Thank God he's okay. He stopped in to get gas here at I19 before heading east to Maine. He's one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet, I've even flown with him before. That just sends chills down my spine.
Damn, was a nice plane. Wonder what happened.
My guess from the position of the plane is he lost the engine and ended off the side of the road on landing, possibly due to oncoming traffic. Oh well, better to lose it in transit than pulling out low in a routine.
One of the local weather prognosticators suggested the problem happened around the same time and in the same area of a thunder storm. He was clear that he was not saying it was the cause, but he was noting it was nearby and wondering if it was an issue.
Well, from that limited article, this sort of stood out to me-

It may mean nothing, or everything. At this point, who knows?

No one at this point, but it's not been eliminated either.