This looks like fun

Sad as it is, I kind of have an urge to watch Pan Am . More so because I want to know how they make an entire season long series out of something like that.
Sad as it is, I kind of have an urge to watch Pan Am . More so because I want to know how they make an entire season long series out of something like that.
Maybe they try to depart out of Newark at 5pm!!!

Seems like it can take a whole TV season to get out of that airport! :D:D
I suspect this is gong to be an out-and-out disaster. High profile, high budget, and concerning something most Americans think of as a great big hassle. While there are those who remember the glory days of airline travel, when pilots were rock stars and stewardesses were hot, I doubt the networks are in the habit of marketing to the octagenarian crowd.
I suspect this is gong to be an out-and-out disaster. High profile, high budget, and concerning something most Americans think of as a great big hassle. While there are those who remember the glory days of airline travel, when pilots were rock stars and stewardesses were hot, I doubt the networks are in the habit of marketing to the octagenarian crowd.
It is Mad Men of the sky. That show is being marketed towards the 20 somethings like Happy Days was marketed to us when we were in that age group. I am thinking that it will appear as much of an anachronism to the 20 year olds as the 1950s appeared to us.
Mad Men owes much of its success to outstanding writing. Whether ABC can manage that we'll see. Of course I'll watch it. Who knows, maybe the spate of aviation shows on the cable networks has boosted interest.
My father was a Pan Am pilot from 1964 until they were acquired by Delta. I'll see what he says.
Maybe they try to depart out of Newark at 5pm!!!

Seems like it can take a whole TV season to get out of that airport! :D:D

I'm pretty sure Pan Am didn't fly out of Newark. JFK was their base. At least JFK was international.
Mad Men owes much of its success to outstanding writing. Whether ABC can manage that we'll see. Of course I'll watch it. Who knows, maybe the spate of aviation shows on the cable networks has boosted interest.

While what you say is true (Mad Men has excellent writing and cast), I think their initial success was largely due to one thing: Smoking.

I know I tuned in initially because, as I was flipping through the channels, I caught a glimpse of January Jones smoking on TV. This has become so rare, nowadays, that it caught my eye! After a few minutes, it became evident that EVERYONE was smoking on that show -- which I found strangely familiar, having grown up in a home very much like the Drapers.

After that got me to stop, for the novelty, I was soon hooked on the show itself. The writing quality is unmatched, IMHO. It remains the only commercial/theatrical television show that I watch.

Every show needs a hook. Smoking was Mad Men's. It will be interesting to see if "Pan Am" accurately depicts the era.
Show sounds interesting, but I'm not going to lose my time to commercials or getting strung out over a full season and "cliff hangers". If the show ends up getting good reviews, I'll get the season from Netflix once it's on DVD or BluRay, and watch it on a rainy Saturday.