This Just IN- Plane hits building- Praying for all those affected.

The word I've gathered from various websites is that the King Air lost an engine on takeoff.

KSN-Witcha is reporting 10 people unaccounted for inside the Flight Safety building.
A little irony in a plane hitting the FlightSafety building?

Hoping everything turns out as well as can be expected, all things considering.

N52SZ was cleared to takeoff at 9:47 and declared an emergency with left engine failed at 9:48. Takeoff on 1R. Flight Safety would be to the left on takeoff maybe 400 yards off the centerline. Registered to Beechcraft Corporation. Flight plan filed to Mena, AR.
Not good, I have a friend that is a pilot for Beechcraft, or at least was a year ago.
N52SZ was cleared to takeoff at 9:47 and declared an emergency with left engine failed at 9:48. Takeoff on 1R. Flight Safety would be to the left on takeoff maybe 400 yards off the centerline. Registered to Beechcraft Corporation. Flight plan filed to Mena, AR.

Just glad that you're OK, Tony.
Vmc roll? Seems like on a cool day like today even a KA would have pretty good SE performance...

Just was notified about it by one of my training captains. Not to sound selfish, but of course it had to happen just days before I'm scheduled to go there for my upgrade training...
Vmc roll? Seems like on a cool day like today even a KA would have pretty good SE performance...

Just was notified about it by one of my training captains. Not to sound selfish, but of course it had to happen just days before I'm scheduled to go there for my upgrade training...

Does a plane VMC roll toward the on or off engine?
King airs should fly on 1 engine just fine cant they?
I know king airs are safe aircraft, and i thought they could be flown on one engine fine, what do others think?
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