This is the kind of work AOPA should be doing


Line Up and Wait
PoA Supporter
Jul 29, 2011
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With their $50M yearly budget, AOPA should be doing the work that this completely unpaid, but motivated pilot is doing.
It's so shameful and frustrating that we are represented by AOPA that is not doing what they are supposed to.
Thank you SoCal Flying Monkey.
Um, you mean they should making videos saying we should contact our congressmen?
I assume you did not see the video.
I includes a lot of investigative work that shows how these airports are against small people like us.
Actually I did watch it. I just didn't get the idea that this is something aopa would be good at.
Actually I did watch it. I just didn't get the idea that this is something aopa would be good at.
They are not good at it because they don't actually care about us.
I see this as a great opportunity for AOPA to push back on the constant erosion of our rights/privileges, but I am sure they are busy with other stuff, like flying planes.
I just got an email from AOPA with letter and links to contact my Congress critters about supporting a bill regarding fee transparency. Something is coming up for a vote soon.
I just got an email from AOPA with letter and links to contact my Congress critters about supporting a bill regarding fee transparency. Something is coming up for a vote soon.
The good senator from Nebraska (?) watered it down to nothingness. He wants, instead, that it be studied... the kick the can down the road response.

The good senator from Nebraska (?) watered it down to nothingness. He wants, instead, that it be studied... the kick the can down the road response.

Ted Cruz wanted an amendment that provides personal protection to congressional members, judges, family, staff, etc at US commercial airports
With their $50M yearly budget, AOPA should be doing the work that this completely unpaid, but motivated pilot is doing.
It's so shameful and frustrating that we are represented by AOPA that is not doing what they are supposed to.
Thank you SoCal Flying Monkey.
Don't worry, he gets plenty from his YouTube channel. I wouldn't say he is unpaid.
Don't worry, he gets plenty from his YouTube channel. I wouldn't say he is unpaid.
Not sure what you mean by "plenty", but only the most popular youtubers get enough income to live off it. Compared to the $50M yearly budget of AOPA, his income is negligible. We should all expect more from AOPA. And when I say more, I mean more accomplishments, not "we are working on helping you out".
The guy I know was making ok money for a single dude (a dozen thousands above median income essentially), but the stream dried up so to speak. Just fickle/fluctuates is the complaint, like much of the so-called "gig economy", so perhaps not all that unique really.