Thinking about thinking

I thought about it once, but after further thought I thought better of it.
I've just gotta quit... It's ruining my life!
I'm not even a social thinker, anymore. I'm afraid that if I get caught thinking, the FAA will pull my medical... I've even been eating jellyfish 'cause tv says they got something that helps you think better. I've gotta stop it!

Hi. My name is Charlie, and I think too much.
This means you!
If you can figure out how to turn off your brain, let me know.
If you can figure out how to turn off your brain, let me know.
Seriously... There is a way, claimed anyway.


Sit upright, but relaxed.
Close yer eyeholes.
Breathe... Try breathing in (by nose)to a count of 4 hold it for four, exhale for a count of 8 through pursed lips.
Do that a few times.
Pick a 2 syllable word, or make one up.
Breathe in to the first syllable out to the second, just saying it in your haid, not vocalizing.

Do this for 20 minutes.

You will think during this time... But bring yourself back to the word...

Lots of benefits.

Now, think of anything but a blue horse.
Seriously... There is a way, claimed anyway.


Sit upright, but relaxed.
Close yer eyeholes.
Breathe... Try breathing in (by nose)to a count of 4 hold it for four, exhale for a count of 8 through pursed lips.
Do that a few times.
Pick a 2 syllable word, or make one up.
Breathe in to the first syllable out to the second, just saying it in your haid, not vocalizing.

Do this for 20 minutes.

You will think during this time... But bring yourself back to the word...

Lots of benefits.

Now, think of anything but a blue horse.

I have way too much to think about to have time for that. ;)
I have way too much to think about to have time for that. ;)
Yep... Me too! But, I have used it to get a 'fresh set of eyes" on a particularly troubling thought/thinking/planning conundrum...

And, it helps.

Almost as much as a fresh cup of coffee!
I have created a fool proof plan for failure, and am about to put it in motion. I have concerns that, should the plan succeed, the intended failure will of course be a success, laying waste to the oft-quoted axiom that it you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Obviously, I have not failed to plan...I have, indeed, planned to fail..that Is my plan. Perhaps I should hope that my plan fails, leading to untold amounts of success. Then again, if that happens, my failed plan for failure, yielding success, will have been a failure...which was the original plan anyway. I fail to see the failure in a successfully completed plan to fail, nor the success in leaving that plan uncompleted.
To think too much is a disease.”
--Fyodor Dostoyevsky (famous airshow pilot, or so I've been told)-- ;)
So earlier, I was thinking about thinking about thinking, and then I thought, that's a lot of thinking. So I think I will think less about thinking and think more about nothing.