They would love the TSA...

Jordan's first question is inane, but the second question is quite valid. Perhaps he'd prefer they train in a nice quiet warehouse somewhere, not in his back yard.

There was a similar story about someone who got ARRESTED in Ireland (I think)... he was flying home to Ireland and the authorities at the airport he was departing from planted explosives in his checked luggage as part of a training exercise. They basically pulled his bag, put a bomb in it, and then walked the dog around it. The dog of course alerted, and everyone went on their way, with the bag getting chucked back on to the conveyor belt. Of course they forgot to remove the bomb.

They called the poor guy at his house a bit later and told him what happened, and he called the police, to you know, dispose of the bomb, and he ended up getting arrested for some possession charge (later dropped, but still...).