They see me rollin

Welcome to Tennessee. Nice people but horrible drivers. :D

FL is the same way..cept we get people here who (due to age) confuse the gas pedal and brake. One lady did that the other day and killed two people.

Then you have the wrong way drivers, a large amount of DUI's and a silver alert (look it up on google) every day, which is super fun.
That's pretty much the entire U.S. Imagine the weeping and gnashing of teeth if actual driving training were required to hold a driver's license.

It would be like when New Mexico started making people prove citizenship before getting a license.
It's worth saying the driver of the Semi came up to us after the crash and hugged us because he thought he killed us. Apparently he just plain didn't see us - and I was a quarter mile from our exit so I wasn't weaving or doing anything that would have made the driver hit us - just following another semi in the right lane.

I was VERY sore yesterday but today most of it has subsided and just my shoulder is left to heal.
Well your experiences are vastly different from mine. I have seen countless occurrences of reckless driving by truckers during my travels and most think they own the road.

I'll agree with this.. I drive I-15 between Vegas and Baker every couple of weeks, and the trucks in the middle of the desert drive like they DGAF. I have been almost run off the road more times than i can count by a truck doing 58 in the right lane that wants to pass the truck in front of him doing 55.