They live among us....


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 22, 2005
DC Suburbs
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Bill S.
Letters to the editor, NY Times national edition from Sunday. The letter starts:

Full link here:

And we wonder why it's so hard for the government to be rational?

What might work: an alert network of real estate agents combined with satellite cameras looking for the outline of new grass strips.


What will work: Surrender of this d-bag's certificate and a course of psychotropic meds.

Trapper John
The scenario has existed for some time, which is why previous administrations made great efforts toward nuclear nonproliferation, not that it helped any.
Trucks, cars, boats, skateboards.........great delivery systems.
It's always interesting to try to guess what people are like before talking to them. Like sitting on a sidewalk cafe watching folks. It's more amazing to see what people are really like once you begin talking to them. I'm always amazed at what some people come to city council meetings and say. Gave them the benefit of the doubt before they spoke. Wow. I just don't know how some of these folks survive every day life. An academic would come up with an idealist, yet, completely impractical solution.

Remember, before the Wall fell, one out of every seven folks in the USSR somehow worked for the gov'ment. This fella would have fit right in there. Then, who checks the gov'ment folks?


The scenario has existed for some time, which is why previous administrations made great efforts toward nuclear nonproliferation, not that it helped any.

A better scenario is a ship full of ammonium nitrate in the hands of terrorists who add a bit of fuel oil (and a relatively small amount of high explosives as a trigger) and sail up the East River...

Everything necessary is easy to come by on the open market.

Look at what happened when one of these went off by ACCIDENT without the addition of any fuel oil or a good trigger

Supposedly the largest non-nuclear explosion ever.
A better scenario is a ship full of ammonium nitrate in the hands of terrorists who add a bit of fuel oil (and a relatively small amount of high explosives as a trigger) and sail up the East River...

Everything necessary is easy to come by on the open market.

Look at what happened when one of these went off by ACCIDENT without the addition of any fuel oil or a good trigger

Supposedly the largest non-nuclear explosion ever.
Wow! It's even aviation-related!
A huge mushroom like cloud billowed more than 2,ooo feet into the morning air, the shockwave knocking two light planes flying overhead out of the sky