These cats can really rock!!


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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It was just a half-hour before the opening of the sold-out show, and the normally close-knit band had completely fallen apart. The lead guitarist had shut herself in a dressing room and refused to come out. The pianist—in an apparent attempt to self soothe—groomed her hair obsessively. Meanwhile, the drummer had bolted off stage and hidden under the bleachers, where she ignored the pleas of two fawning assistants.Such temperamental, pre-show meltdowns have become typical of the Rock Cats, a trio that––even their manager admits––is known more for their looks than their rock 'n' roll talent.

"Their music sucks. I mean, when they're playing, they're not even playing the same song," said Samantha Martin, the band's manager, who stood at the edge of the stage wearing a black velvet body suit and a headband topped with felt cat ears. "I don't think they realize they're supposed to play together."


This is hilarious!!! I gotta see these cats!!

They were in Woodstock, a town near me, a few weeks ago but I was working that weekend. I am sure they will be around again.
it ain't nothin', Nick - just someone training cats to act like they're playing music, to perform in front of cat lovers. See? Pretty simple.