These are dumb!!!!!


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Oct 24, 2011
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What kind of pilot flys from Dominican Republic to Nassau Bahamas, single engine, over lots of water for 4 hours. Fuels up at Nassau lands at PBI. This flight ended in Customs and Border Protection arresting the pilots for find 40 lbs of cocaine inside the plane. Now the CFI and student pilot will be spending a few years in jail.

What kind of pilot flys from Dominican Republic to Nassau Bahamas, single engine, over lots of water for 4 hours. Fuels up at Nassau lands at PBI. This flight ended in Customs and Border Protection arresting the pilots for find 40 lbs of cocaine inside the plane. Now the CFI and student pilot will be spending a few years in jail.

Makes sense to me?

What kind of pilot flys from Dominican Republic to Nassau Bahamas, single engine, over lots of water for 4 hours. Fuels up at Nassau lands at PBI. This flight ended in Customs and Border Protection arresting the pilots for find 40 lbs of cocaine inside the plane. Now the CFI and student pilot will be spending a few years in jail.

Looks like a good show for Weather Channel.
Are there any Coast Guard Pilots on the Board. I am fascinated with the Coast Guard Alaska shows. Florida is good, and I am from florida but Alaska is better for me.
Where is the original story. Sounds crazy to me. I gotta wonder if this is one of those seemed like a good idea at the time moments, or did they even know the cocaine was in the plane. Either way, if convicted my bet is that incarceration will probably be more than a few years. Do not know the street value of 40 lbs of cocaine, but I assume it is somewhat more than the plane, the lesson, and the CFI's yearly salary.
It is tougher getting it up from Mexico, so now much of it comes in on the East and West coast by boat(or plane if you are really dumb). Good job CBP.

What kind of pilot flys from Dominican Republic to Nassau Bahamas, single engine, over lots of water for 4 hours. Fuels up at Nassau lands at PBI. This flight ended in Customs and Border Protection arresting the pilots for find 40 lbs of cocaine inside the plane. Now the CFI and student pilot will be spending a few years in jail.

Normal ones. Actually a CFI and his student at our club did an extended lesson / ferry flight to Argentina last year. They were supposed to fly Nassau to DR, but they had a problem with a coolant bypass valve and had to land short in Turks and Caicos for repairs. But Nassau to DR is very doable in a stock 172. You could hit heavy headwinds such that you'd have to divert.

Also - it's not over water. There are thousands of islands below you and the distance between most of them is about 40 miles at most. It's only at the south end that you have a 60 mile trip over the channel.

I think a better question - what kind of stupid idiot has anything to do with cocaine, pilot or otherwise?
Firstly... as somone who just flew a Beech Debonair from FL to Panama with a total of 7 hours of overwater in single engine... we're not dumb... a bit crazy... but not dumb :lol:

Regarding the Drugs, one of my rules is that I will not Ferry any plane from the Carribean / DR/ Mexico / anywhere south of the border IN to the USA.

Not saying this is the case...

There have been occasions on the past where drug runners hide the drugs in the planes inspection panels while the plane is parked overnight. The poor pilot wakes up the next morning, none the wiser and then goes on to the USA unaware of his special cargo stuffed in his wings.

What kind of pilot flys from Dominican Republic to Nassau Bahamas, single engine, over lots of water for 4 hours. Fuels up at Nassau lands at PBI.

Lots and lots, BTW, it's not 4hrs over water, except the times you cross the Old Bahamas Channel you're in gliding range of a island landing, plus there is a hell of a lot of boat traffic this time of year. The water is also warm.