There really are some amazing artists out there - music videos


Feb 12, 2005
Rogers, Arkansas
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My son sent me these links. There are so many people out there who are talented and creative - just doesn't seem fair that I didn't get any!

I got into the first and last video right from the start, but the second video took a little warming up to. Stay with it. It was worth the effort for me.

Justin Wood

Reggie Watts

Paul Dateh and inka one

I definitely loved the first one. The second was still an awesome talent given how he accomplished the final piece. On the third, I'm not a fan of hip hop but this guy is fantastic at manipulating an instrument. My votes go with one and three, in that order.
My son sent me these links.
Those were great! Thanks for posting them. :yes:

There are so many people out there who are talented and creative - just doesn't seem fair that I didn't get any!
Chip, all you need is that little green box thing that Reggie had. Then you make a bunch of airplane noises, including stall warning noises, and other fun stuff and you'd sound great! :D

Wow. You could feel the music just BURSTING out of him! Whew! Reminded me of an energized version of Leo Kottke.

What a unique and interesting combination. It was fun to listen to. I liked the touch of Gnarls Barkley.
Justin Wood is the man. And I've been dying to see LJ Booth live. He has an unusual combination of guitar technique and songwriting ability.

If you like that stuff, check out Andy McKee:

Of course, if you like Andy McKee, you'll also have look up Michael Hedges, Don Ross, and maybe Kaki King:

Michael Hedges has always been a favorite of mine, though I've heard he had a proclivity to steal girls from unsuspecting glider pilots. Don Ross and Andy McKee don't have the stage flair of a major act, but their talent is unbelievable, which impresses me far more, anyway.

Finally, Marcus Eaton combines the guitar style of Justin wood with the layering/sampling stuff that Reggie Watts does. It's hard to find good Marcus Eaton stuff online, but I'd highly recommend looking him up if you're ever in the Northwest:

He's been touring with Tim Reynolds, and they seem to make a good pair.

Do you play guitar, Chip? We could round up Eamon, Matt, and anyone else with interest for an ad hoc Gastons amateur performance. Guitars don't weigh much.

Do you play guitar, Chip? We could round up Eamon, Matt, and anyone else with interest for an ad hoc Gastons amateur performance. Guitars don't weigh much.
I play the spoons! :goofy: After a few drinks, I think I'm really good! :D
Do you play guitar, Chip? We could round up Eamon, Matt, and anyone else with interest for an ad hoc Gastons amateur performance. Guitars don't weigh much.


I play at it occasionally, but I have zero talent and don't have the dedication it would take to become mediocre. By all means you guys (and gals?) should bring your guitars to Gaston's!!! That would be fun to hear. :yes: