The Walmart Game


Taxi to Parking
Feb 6, 2007
Land of Savages
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Laxatives, cotton gauze and a gerbil.
This comes from a TV (fiction) story where they wanted to convince those following them that they were about to commit a murder: rope, duck tape, shovel, heavy duty black trash bag, ax, quicklime. Any three should do the trick, but I suspect they would only take notice later when the police asked to see the surveillance footage.

In Missouri, this would do the trick:
Multiple boxes of cold medicine containing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine
Lithium batteries
Propane tanks
1. Rubbing alcohol
2. Tweezers
3. A bible

AR-15, black ski mask, bible.

All available at my local Walmart.
Credit card, point of sale swipe station, a distraction so you didn't see I pocketed your $40 cash advance.
A gun, a pair of socks, and a pregnancy test.

If it were 4 items, I'd add duct tape and a ski mask.
Box of assorted glassware
Camping stove

In California, the cashier would either call the cops on you, or ask for your phone number...
Sick, sick, sick, group of pilots. This exemplifies the whole problem with aviation, people suffering from severe cases of en-rout boredom. Their little sick minds start wandering. It carries over to their life on the ground. Very sad for all concerned.

Sick, sick, sick, group of pilots. This exemplifies the whole problem with aviation, people suffering from severe cases of en-rout boredom. Their little sick minds start wandering. It carries over to their life on the ground. Very sad for all concerned.

If you notice, they are coming up with this stuff while sitting on the ground bored poking on a computer keyboard, not enroute flying a plane. That says something about sitting around with nothing to do on the ground.
If you notice, they are coming up with this stuff while sitting on the ground bored poking on a computer keyboard, not enroute flying a plane. That says something about sitting around with nothing to do on the ground.

On the contrary, I come up with some of my best material in the air. Second only to the bathroom. I type it out later.

Unless I am in the bathroom, in which case I can go ahead and bang it out on the iPad. Better than reading the newspaper.
slingshot, frying pan and a knife.
Karen says she doesn't know items for the game but she can relate a real story...

Her barbershop quartet (4 women) in red dresses with red feather boas, full stage makeup, big hair, etc... Buying condoms.

(They had quartet friends who got a bad score at a competition and they were headed to an "I got screwed" party after the performances. They were in charge of "decorations".)

Bread. Lunch meat. 90wt gear oil. (yes I really did that once. When the checkout lady looked at me, I said "you should try it sometime")
Pantyhose, crayons, and anti-freeze.