The party is on! August 17, 18, 19, KLBO (Lebanon, MO)


Ejection Handle Pulled
Feb 23, 2008
Conway, MO
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Guess who turns 60 on August 19th?


It's gonna be a party!

Exact plans are subject to how many idiots decide to attend, and I know that the date is close to both OSH and 6Y9 and that may reduce the attendance (as if me being the organizer isn't enough to reduce attendance!) Anyway, here's the tentative plan.

Rooms at the Holiday Inn Express have been "blocked." Rate is $109/night. On demand shuttle service will be provided all weekend. It's only two miles but...still...

Friday night. For the early arrivals: We'll check out Boat Town Brewing Company.


AM: Fly out to one of the numerous breakfast fly-ins that are going on. Thus far I know of three that are within a reasonable distance: Berryville, Rogers and Mountain View. All in Arkansas.

PM: Tim will either BBQ or have dinner catered at the hangar. If enough folks are in attendance, then I'll have a classic rock band for entertainment. If we don't have enough to justify a band then I guess we'll put up with the noise that @OkieFlyer and/or @EdFred make! ;) (I keed guys!)

Sunday, AM Fly out to Gaston's Sunday brunch before heading home.

That's it!

Plans subject to revision as necessary, suggestions welcome, and please RSVP by either responding to this thread or PM.

It's a party for a very reliable steed!



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That's pretty good Photoshop job cuz I know right where it's supposed to be and I can't tell.
My old girl is 56 this year, but she hasn't aged as well as ol' 57Delta. 23Yankee has been rode hard I reckon.

I would absolutely love to come, despite you being the MC, but unfortunately I'll be working. As with every other fly-in this year, it falls on a work week. As a result of using vacation time for Kentucky, Osh, and Gaston's, I'm fresh out of vacay. Sorry, brother.

I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I only work every other week. Literally half the year. How is it possible that none of the fly-ins that interest me fall on an off week? The aviation gods are jacking with me, I swear.
Well...from the annals of "the best-laid plans"...

The eldest sister of the young lady I'm dating, who some of you have met, passed away last week after a long, 3-year struggle with ALS. Her memorial service will be held in Fort Wayne on 8/19.

So I'll be in Fort Wayne that weekend, family is obviously far more important than a steed, no matter how wonderful the steed has been.

Maybe we'll have a "side party" at 6y9!
I am sorry to hear about your and Lisa’s loss...