The Neguse bill

Yet no calls for enforcement of land motor vehicle noise measures?
Or the corollary, no more than 5 tweets a day with a maximum life time limit of 1,000 so long as you hold an elected or appointed public office.
Anybody in particular in mind?
Although I am sympathetic with noise abatement issues, this is another attempt to establish local, non-expert control over airspace and air transportation. There is a long-established doctrine of federal control over airspace in order to avoid the balkanization of the national transportation system, and to encourage free and unhindered commerce. It is likely that policies and procedures can be developed to minimize, but not totally eliminate operational noise.

A recurrent issue is local zoning laxity that allows the construction of residential structures in close proximity to existing airports. The resulting complaints are inevitable and predictable. Even in our small village, folks who purchased and build on un-zoned property immediately adjacent to airport property complain vociferously about usage of the airport, which is now the ONLY public use airport left in the county.
Reminds me a bit of my home airport's situation. It has good support from the local government; occasional noise complaints (in one case from a person who was claiming aircraft were 'dive bombing' him), but otherwise pretty good relationship with the surrounding neighborhoods.

Lotsa good publicity recently...the city received federal funding to improve the airport. Lots of proud statements about how the feds are paying for most of the upgrades.

All well and good. What the public doesn't realize is that the upgrades are lengthening the runway TO SUPPORT JET OPERATIONS, which have been rare up to now.

This is likely to cause some problems. In addition to senior housing and individual homes, City Hall and the local hospital are both located along the extended centerline, about a half-mile out.

Ron Wanttaja
Literally absurd piece of legislation. Those commercial jets flying over the heads of millions of people who live close to large airline dominant airports make way more noise than the little banner tow but somehow we don’t see politicians going after them.

Let’s not even get into the absurdity about how most of the smaller airports I fly into already have noise abatement procedures and the only real outcome of this bill would be to restrict aircrafts from operating out of small airports and essentially serve the opposite effects( curfews would condense the hours of operation even further and thus increase traffic density during that time.)

Vote this down!
This type of stupidity is why government schools don’t/won’t teach jury nullification and when to use it.

I’d nullify the heck out of that if I was ever given the chance.

Let me guess he or one of his masters bought a house by a airport.
I live on the final approach path for Dona Ana (not a Class C) ... There are times I see G5 and Citations basically gliding in making almost no sound ... then there's the opposite where you can tell someone went prop full forward on a 5 mile final:confused:

We've had a few buzz jobs near my house ... personally I love them and wish I could get on freq fast enough to tell them 2 more;)

On the scale from We Are All Doomed to Nothingburger, how much do you hate Neguse? Nate, is he in your district?
Neguse is in the NW part of the Denver-Boulder-Ft Collins area. Nate's in the far SE, far, far away. There's been a problem at Longmont for years with a couple really annoying residents. Even went to court a few years ago, and the judge essentially told them to stuff it. So this is the next step they are trying. Unlikely it'll get very far.