The late great NFL

What? I though "Charlie Hustle" Pete Rose was the only person to ever bet on baseball, leaving him out of the hall of fame according to the holier-than-thou, wanna be, jock-sniffing baseball writers.

You left out, 'bunch of drunks.'
Never had much use for pro ball. Just a bunch of hired guns playing for the enrichment of the already rich.

Funny thing is, for a long time football and baseball were sports for the common man blue collar worker type guy. You'd never see wallstreet types at a Yankees game way back when.

Then the leagues figured out how to market their product to the upper class, and now Johnny Lunchbucket can't affort to take his kids to the game anymore.
What? I though "Charlie Hustle" Pete Rose was the only person to ever bet on baseball, leaving him out of the hall of fame according to the holier-than-thou, wanna be, jock-sniffing baseball writers.

Maybe when they get Selig's replacement as commissioner it might happen. Amazing that they allow all these admitted dopers to play, but someone who betted on his team to win is banned.
In the 1905 season alone 18 people died playing college football. In a five year span something like 45 people died playing ball. It got to the point Roosevelt stepped in and threatened to ban it. Hard to imagine a bunch of Harvard, Yale, and Princeton students killing each other playing football. Who knows what a pro league paying fortunes to players would have done. One things for sure, we were A LOT tougher as a nation then.
I've never seen or heard of players faking hits until this season. Now I've seen numerous cases of it, looks like a soccer game out there. Between illegal hits and excessive celebration football is beginning to mirror society, I'm surprised we still have playoffs and a championship. So many hurt feelings of the non-champion teams - the horror.

Want to limit injuries? Simple. Go back to little league rules - weight limits. 250lbs for down linemen, 200lbs for the rest. No hitting below the waist. Period. Other than that, have at it. Don't want to risk injury? Don't play.

Pink shoes and gloves? Seriously?
Funny thing is, for a long time football and baseball were sports for the common man blue collar worker type guy. You'd never see wallstreet types at a Yankees game way back when.

Then the leagues figured out how to market their product to the upper class, and now Johnny Lunchbucket can't affort to take his kids to the game anymore.

Hello Cirrus. ;)

Sounds like another industry we all participate in. ;)

It's easier to sell 30 half-million dollar airplanes and make quota, than figure out how to pump out and sell thousands of them a year, at new car prices.

But the market moved. Perhaps if Cessna and the like got all their work facilities built for free by taxpayers and TV on Sunday was nothing but airplanes....
I quit watching because of the constant interruptions for time using TiVo and jumping past the adverts I saw an entire game in a bit less than an hour.

Watching some soccer during World Cup, I was surprised at how enjoyable it was to just watch the "action" without the adverts.
Not a football fan but I did find a real NFL game to be far more tolerable then watching them on TV. No commercials, no annoying back story jabbering about some player's college roommate aunt's ordeal... So is there a market for a youtube 12 minute edit of football games?