The EAA Airventure App is a piece of junk


Line Up and Wait
Jan 26, 2012
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So I downloaded this app on my iPad and was going to use it for the NOTAM
to get into Osh. I patted myself on the back for not bringing paper notam, as this was my 4th time to the show.

Enroute from Iowa to Osh, the app decides it won't bring up anything except the "notes" component. No way to bring up the notam. I had to land in Freeport Illinois and download the notam as a PDF to continue.

Everywhere at Airventure you see signs for this app. It is a steaming pile, and someone's head should roll.:mad:
It's useless you can't even find an exhibitors location or a list of them.
Once you land there they will give you the departure instructions part of the Notam again, paper version. They also have the departure briefing hut if needed.

Yes, that info won't help you get in. Most of what you need to know they repeat on 120.7 as you get near RIPON, listen up as soon as you receive that freq.
A lot of EAA stuff these days is lame. It's embarrassing.
I am not at OSH but downloaded the app and while it is not great assuming the information it is giving me is correct it does work(although it is very basic) on my android device.

I recommend going in under preferences and running the install updates option.

I wonder if there is a significant difference between the android implementation and apple?
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Ya know... I'm not the only one on this board capable of writing an android app. I don't do iOS, but I'm sure several others on here do.

If anyone from EAA is listening, I'll bet you could get an open source style project together to get this done, get it done better and with more features.

I'd volunteer.
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All over AirVenture there were displays advertising this same app. :no:
iPhone app was written by someone who is clearly not an iOS developer. The info could be dragged out of the app, but it was a bit painful.
Ya know... I'm not the only one on this board capable of writing an android app. I don't do iOS, but I'm sure several others on here do.

If anyone from EAA is listening, I'll bet you could get an open source style project together to get this done, get it done better and with more features.

I'd volunteer.

If they're going to pay the FAA, they're going to pay me.
If they're going to pay the FAA, they're going to pay me.

I'd do it in the spirit of the other volunteers working at Oshkosh. I'd volunteer there, but it's hot outside. :)

Went to six flags recently with some friends. It's inexcusable there was no app that gave me a map of the park and my GPS position. I'm not talking google maps... I mean, a nice abstract version of the paper park map I'm holding in my hands trying to read. Highlight all roller coasters. Show me the restrooms. Give me a route from where I am to this place. etc.

None of this is rocket surgery.
I used the app to find several vendors today. It gave me their exact location on the field, and showed my exact location on the field. Easy peasy.

Works fine on my Samsung Galaxy S5.
It's useless you can't even find an exhibitors location or a list of them.

Unless of course you select What to Do, Exhibitors, the Alpha of the exhibitors, select the exhibitor. For example, ICOM America is at booths 2026 & 2027. The map does suck on the phone though.

Pffft. Young people need to be taught everything. ;)
I used the app to find several vendors today. It gave me their exact location on the field, and showed my exact location on the field. Easy peasy.

Works fine on my Samsung Galaxy S5.

As I mentioned above not at OSH but seems to work fine on my S5 as well.
The app worked fine, but navigating it was a chore. For instance, the map is buried. No doubt that it is there, but c'mon, make it easy to find. It could be a very useful tool, but only if users can find it easily.
We have used it extensively on the field, and it has worked well. For a free app, I shan't complain!
The "updates" that came 2x-3x daily took several minutes each to install, and some updates broke all of the buttons for me (iOS). It was clunky and slow. Notifications (such as "Take an #EAASelfie!", thanks..) failed to clear properly. App quit and restarts sometimes fixed some problems. Updates seemed to get stuck on a "Creating new DB" screen. There's not THAT much data in the shouldn't take that long. Somehow ForeFlight manages 15GB of data and maps and runs much more smoothly.
The "updates" that came 2x-3x daily took several minutes each to install, and some updates broke all of the buttons for me (iOS). It was clunky and slow. Notifications (such as "Take an #EAASelfie!", thanks..) failed to clear properly. App quit and restarts sometimes fixed some problems. Updates seemed to get stuck on a "Creating new DB" screen. There's not THAT much data in the shouldn't take that long. Somehow ForeFlight manages 15GB of data and maps and runs much more smoothly.

Sounds like CGI Federal had some spare time on their hands. :lol:
The real crime with the app was that it stores some sort of state data, and when relaunched after a reboot it was STILL in a bad state.

Didn't use it. Managed to find everything I needed. Daily newspaper has listings of vendors. Go figure.
Didn't use it. Managed to find everything I needed. Daily newspaper has listings of vendors. Go figure.

I defaulted to the hard copy map and the visitor's guide most of the time. I'd have rather only needed my phone, rather than to have to carry and dig out the map and visitor's guide.

Still, I didn't miss anything, so no big deal... Your basic first world problem. ;-)