The Drunk Posting Thread

Sac Arrow

Touchdown! Greaser!
May 11, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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Snorting his way across the USA
IMG_3359.JPG Yeah, by the time stamp it's 1:00 am but it's only a little after 4:00 pm here and it's Saturday. I'm in physical pain, I tell you Physical pain they say this stuff makes them look better but damn they don't need it. F**** I had a point I was going to make Cirrusly cole slaw pull chute I forgot what it was.

I don't even know why I rode the motorbike here it's only half a klick away, guess I'll leave it here tonight hahA
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Okay holy **** for actual real. The girlS have told me a long time ago that if you do the Tom Selleck eyebrow thing it means you want to do booty and all and maybe eat some cole slaw after and damn that's what it means I adde a Facebook in a language I beaely speak I'm poppa Charlie going to hell in eman terms im so ****ed up but dam that **** is nice
The Tylenol is in the top left drawer but I would recommend a Bloody Mary instead
Girl friend. Tet. Meet family. American. Dead American. Not forward looking to
Your POA breathalyzer broke.
And I'm glad
What's the Tom Selleck eyebrow thing?
Is that where you lick them?

Works in the states too.
I'll have to read this thread later when I'm drunk and can understand it better.
What the F...??? Guess I too need to get drunk to understand...:goofy:
Check for the Adam's apple before full commitment!

In the village, or uptown, it's usually pretty obvious. At Raffle's or some of the "nicer" clubs, it's really best not to kiss on the first date.
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Man do I have a splitting headache this morning.
Maybe you ate something that didn't agree with you
Or maybe he picked up, ahh, better not go there. :eek: :D
Now I have to figure out where I left the motorbike.

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Same bat place same bat time. I'd like to go someplace else but damn near everything is closed for Tet. So I guess I have to hang out with the two little sweeties. Tough life, I know.