That's my girl!!!


Final Approach
Mar 14, 2005
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I would like to take this opportunity to brag on my amazing wife, Rachel. Today she competed in and COMPLETED her first ever triathlon!

She and her sister decided earlier this year that they would compete in the annual Hy-Vee Triathlon here in Des Moines, Iowa. They hit the water this morning at 6:25. A little over 4.5 hrs later and after a 1 mile swim, 24 mile bike ride and 6 mile run, she crossed the finish line to meet her VERY proud husband!

She didn't set any world speed records, but she FINISHED the course which is more than can be said for many of the 1700+ people that started the course. Heck, a lot of them didn't even make it through the swim portion. My brother-in-law and I biked 15 miles into downtown to watch from the sidelines, and that simple ride kicked my butt, so I can only imagine what it would be like to complete such a journey as she did. Just another testament to her strong will and determination, which I'm sure will come in handy in our future journeys in life together.

Anywho... I just wanted to take a chance to brag on my beautimous wife. :D
I would like to take this opportunity to brag on my amazing wife, Rachel. Today she competed in and COMPLETED her first ever triathlon!

Anywho... I just wanted to take a chance to brag on my beautimous wife. :D

That's awesome, Chris!! Did you get any pictures from the sidelines?
That's awesome, Chris!! Did you get any pictures from the sidelines?

I didn't personally take any pic's but her mom has a camera full. I'll post them as soon as I get them (which I'm sure will be sooner than later. :D)

that is AMAZING. i could barely walk from the airplane to the FBO in the horrible heat today. at least you had a nice breeze to cool you off, but this weather is just offensive!

That is GREAT! Congratulations! Those triathlons aren't easy, then throw in the heat and humidity and I'm sure it was a killer.
She makes many of us envious; and good on you for being her #1 cheering team Chris.
Congrats to her on her accomplishment, and congrats to YOU for being there (and here!) for her like that! Y'all make a good pair! :)
Thanks for all the kind words guys! I am really glad I did it, but if I never swim a mile again, I will not be disappointed :) My sister and I decided yesterday that our next goal will be a much shorter triathlon on July 14th. Every muscle and joint on my body is sore! Overall it was an excellent experience. It is times like this that I realize even more what a wonderful and supportive family I have. Chris has been great through the whole thing. I am lucky to have someone that will put up with all my grumbling while training and will still be there to greet me at the finish line!
Congratulations Rachel! You have an admirable amount of will and determination! You are an inspiration to the rest of us. :yes:
Congratulations Rachel, that's quite an achievement! Now, have Chris give you a nice massage to soothe those tired muscles!
Here are some pics from the event.

More pics can be found on our website, along with a forthcoming event writeup by Rachel herself! :)


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Great job! You gals look waaay to happy at the finish for what you went thru, they'd be hauling me away on a gurney...