

Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 19, 2005
Romeoville, IL
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Grant Prellwitz
Well, we're in the car on the drive home. It was another great year with friends, old and new. At this point, I think that Diz, Brad, Tim and Chris Winters, Tim and Jeannette Myers and Doug are the only ones left. We had a good turnout (21 planes) and great weather Saturday, though the other days were a bit suboptimal, causing too many to have to bow out at the last minute.

Diz and her helpers Brad, Marv and Reuben continue to astound us with the progress on the schoolhouse. This year Tim and Jeanette were able to stay inside on their air mattress, and no one was in tents! We spent most of Sunday in the schoolhouse just spending time with one another.

The event itself on Saturday went great, thanks to Diz and Jen. Really hoping that we get to fly in next year!
+1 on the thanks - it was good to see everyone again - for those that couldn't make it, maybe next year.

Pete landed at LNL as I was fueling. We talked a bit and then I headed for Denver - climbed through a big hole in the overcast five miles west of LNL and cruised to HON in the sunshine at 8,500 with 30 to 40 knots of quartering headwind. It was a slog. Good Italian place for lunch near HON if anyone lands there, expensive gas though. Rest of the trip was boring except for the guy cruising east at 8,500. Fortunately for me I had already wandered up to 10,500. ADS-B does help with traffic is all I can say.
+3 on the thanks. A lot of hard work by all involved.

We're still here in the cabin, leaving in the morning. I actually found a spot up high in a west facing window the allows for cell service/Internet access, albeit very slow. Discoverd the spot on the last day of course. OTOH it could just be the high overcast today...I guess.

Grant, did you even make it to the Sidnaw city limits before getting pulled over? Seemed like you had only been gone for a few minutes when we got the message... :0

Always one to contribute to the local economy, you are! :rofl:

I'm kicked back feeling kinda puny, hopefully i'll feel better in the AM
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Another one to add my thanks and regrets.
I'm sorry to have missed out on the Sidnaw magic. :-(
But, 21 planes - that's terrific! :)
It was a bummer that Kent didn't make it, but I understand that he made up for it by getting first place in solo baritone at the DCA World Champinships. I loved our surprise guests from CO and Madison who arrived to do runway clearing passes ;). The Widgeon was pretty sweet too.
Glad to hear lots of airplanes showed up. Sorry mine wasn't one of them. I'd love to plan on not making it again next year, but I thought there was a great big issue and the field was being diminished to lengths unsuitable for many aircraft including mine?
Glad to hear lots of airplanes showed up. Sorry mine wasn't one of them. I'd love to plan on not making it again next year, but I thought there was a great big issue and the field was being diminished to lengths unsuitable for many aircraft including mine?

How far did you make it before stopping? And where were you getting that we were fogged in on Saturday? There was no fog at the field.
How far did you make it before stopping? And where were you getting that we were fogged in on Saturday? There was no fog at the field.

My issue was not entirely one of weather. In switching (most unexpectedly) from motorcycle to aircraft I forgot a number of important things. Didn't bring a rain jacket, or a jacket of any kind, for instance. Nor did I think to check the aircraft's schedule to make certain my partner didn't have it reserved, which he did. Once I was sitting drinking whiskey in my hotel room in Manistee Michigan (a charming little place to get forced down, by the way) I saw that my partner had indeed reserved the aircraft for Monday. Given the forecast for Sunday, I could not in good conscience continue, despite the weather being perfectly acceptable Saturday afternoon in Sidnaw. I made it back by the skin of my teeth as it is.

So profoundest apologies. I'm getting really good at almost making it to Sidnaw. I certainly have visited some interesting places in Michigan, though Bay City is most definitely not on the Steingar must-return-to-list.

I am very gratified to hear that despite my absence the event was wildly successful.
My issue was not entirely one of weather. In switching (most unexpectedly) from motorcycle to aircraft I forgot a number of important things. Didn't bring a rain jacket, or a jacket of any kind, for instance. Nor did I think to check the aircraft's schedule to make certain my partner didn't have it reserved, which he did. Once I was sitting drinking whiskey in my hotel room in Manistee Michigan (a charming little place to get forced down, by the way) I saw that my partner had indeed reserved the aircraft for Monday. Given the forecast for Sunday, I could not in good conscience continue, despite the weather being perfectly acceptable Saturday afternoon in Sidnaw. I made it back by the skin of my teeth as it is.

So profoundest apologies. I'm getting really good at almost making it to Sidnaw. I certainly have visited some interesting places in Michigan, though Bay City is most definitely not on the Steingar must-return-to-list.

I am very gratified to hear that despite my absence the event was wildly successful.

We were just trying to decipher your Saturday text. We got the plane was under reservation on Monday, but were trying to figure out what 6Y9 being "dogged in" meant - or how you got that information. Sunday was actually quite easy getting back. Which is why I only use pastcasts for weather information.
We were just trying to decipher your Saturday text. We got the plane was under reservation on Monday, but were trying to figure out what 6Y9 being "dogged in" meant - or how you got that information. Sunday was actually quite easy getting back. Which is why I only use pastcasts for weather information.

Sidnaw was fogged in until about noon according to the wx info I could gather. I wouldn't have arrived until after 2:00, missing the barbecue in any event. As it turns out I could have flown back Sunday, but at the time the forecast didn't look good at all.

Face it, Odin does not want me to return to Sidnaw. My blasted Goldwing worked fine until I tried to drive it to Sidnaw. My parter hardly ever reserves the aircraft, unless I'm flying to Sidnaw.
Sidnaw was fogged in until about noon according to the wx info I could gather.

No fog at all. I woke up in the 8 o clock hour and the sky was blue. Well, that's no true, there was scattered at FL250 or so. There was fog at LNL - but that's 24nm away. The best way to get weather at Sidnaw is to call/text someone at Sidnaw. :)

We were also cooking until almost 3.
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Wow! 21 planes! Sounds like a good turnout!

Sorry we couldn't make it... again. Lame, I know.
Just adding my regrets to those who couldn't make it this year. As it turned out, my wing damage was minor and not an airworthiness issue -- in fact, my mechanic (once he returned from being AWOL) said that he thinks it was done on the ground and was not a bird strike, and in any case the scratch is superficial. But with the forecast for convection Saturday night into Sunday, it would have been a no-go for me anyway. Even if the only risk had been IMC, once I discovered that my Mode C was TU I would have turned back, since I'm not too keen on going out IFR with a known deficiency.

Hopefully this time next year avgas will still be under $10 and I won't have any last minute mx issues.
The Widgeon was pretty sweet too.

Oh, is THAT what that was? I thought it was Doc Bruce's Seneca on duckbill platypus hormones. :wink2:


It certainly gets my vote for coolest plane of the fly-in!



  • small cropped widgeon.jpg
    small cropped widgeon.jpg
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Oh, is THAT what that was? I thought it was Doc Bruce's Seneca on duckbill platypus hormones. :wink2:


It certainly gets my vote for coolest plane of the fly-in!


Thanks for posting the picture, It was cool, I got a ride to LNL and a water landing in it also one on Lac Vieux Desert.
It is a plane, boat,and RV all rolled into one.
It flys easy just like my Cherokee---- in the air,much different on T.O. and landings on land and water--- obviously!
Unfortunetely I wasnt able to make it this year. Looks like Sidnaw was represented by an even cool twin than the Apache this year, LOL. Where was the Widgeon from?
Grant, did you even make it to the Sidnaw city limits before getting pulled over? Seemed like you had only been gone for a few minutes when we got the message... :0

Always one to contribute to the local economy, you are! :rofl:
$115 to the district court! Even more than I contributed in the donation box in the pilot shack! :rofl:
I wish I could have made it. Unfortunately, that's a really long drive.
Unfortunetely I wasnt able to make it this year. Looks like Sidnaw was represented by an even cool twin than the Apache this year, LOL. Where was the Widgeon from?

Kenosha/Racine area
Despite the weather issues we had 22 planes come in for the weekend.
Thanks to all that made it flying or driving. Diz and her small crew of helpers make it all happen. But it is everyone that shows up that make it what it is.

We hope that next year we are able to retain the 2,600 ft and have the 9th annual Fly In. I will keep everyone informed as to the status good or bad.

Thanks again to all attendee's. And those who made the attempt, thanks for being weather wise and we hope to see you next year.
Always remember " Ranger Brad say's Safety First!" :wink2: Especially those who drive as fast as they fly, Right Grant? Was that Wi. or Mi. that got your donation?:sad:
$115 to the district court! Even more than I contributed in the donation box in the pilot shack! :rofl:

You've joined the very exclusive club of those receiving traffic citations on their way to or from a POA event. I was at least having a blast when I got mine.
It is amazing how much work can pile up after only being gone two work days, but I have a few minutes now. The trip to Sidnaw was amazing. Although I had met a few of you at MidWest fly-ins over the last few months we weren't sure if we would find much to do while there. It turned out to be one of the best trips we have ever had. As Grant said Jeannette and I were the first to stay in the school and the board in the hangout room is appropriately signed.

I already posted on the arrival and waiting out storms in WI. We arrived at LNL around 9:30 EDT and were held up at LNL till about 1200 Saturday for our departure. The landing at 6Y9 was uneventful for this turf rookie but there were plenty lined up to watch. We had a fantastic three nights in Sidnaw and enjoyed conversation and good times with all there. Met some couples we will definitely keep in touch with, including our wonderful hosts for the event. We opted to not fly for 5 hours under the 3000' overcast on Sunday and flew home in mostly clear skies on Tuesday. The take off went well and clearing the trees was a non-event. I am sure the 40* temperatures helped a great deal with that. We stopped in Clintonville for fuel and then in Muncie for food. We made our 5PM appointment at the travel agents office with time to spare.

Thanks to all involved for the hard work, we plan to be there next year and are already looking forward to it.
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Almost forgot. I do have a video of the Widgeon taking off. Now if I could only figure out how to post it.
Despite the weather issues we had 22 planes come in for the weekend.
Thanks to all that made it flying or driving. Diz and her small crew of helpers make it all happen. But it is everyone that shows up that make it what it is.

We hope that next year we are able to retain the 2,600 ft and have the 9th annual Fly In. I will keep everyone informed as to the status good or bad.

Thanks again to all attendee's. And those who made the attempt, thanks for being weather wise and we hope to see you next year.
Always remember " Ranger Brad say's Safety First!" :wink2: Especially those who drive as fast as they fly, Right Grant? Was that Wi. or Mi. that got your donation?:sad:
Iron County!

How'd we get to 22? Psyched!
Doug was running and ready to leave when another Cherokee flew in.
I think the record is still the 27 we had last year. Brad, it's great that another plane came in. Too bad he didn't get to participate in all the festivities!
This may be a little late, but it’s my turn to say ‘thank you’ to all who came to 6Y9--- and to those who tried! It seems to be somewhat of a curse to some to have to turn back…hopefully those odds can be reversed. That being said, the majority decided that regardless of what happens with the 600’ on the east end, there will be a 9th. For those not wanting to come into a shorter field, LNL remains a great option. It was used by more than one pilot over the weekend (for wx related issues) and we had no problems working out transportation. Brad will keep everyone posted on the progress, or not, of the runway.

I would like to give special thanks to Ryan and Jenn for their help all year long, and especially at the last minute. I swear sometimes I think Jenn can read my mind before I even utter a word. To all of you who helped with the potluck, tables and chairs, tents, set up, cooking, clean up, breakfast- thank you, thank you, thank you!

WHISSIS: What happens in Sidnaw…

*Grant: working on a solution so as not to have you do a repeat performance :goofy::nono: For those who stuck around and witnessed the “new to me” doors, we may just use the north entrance next year if we have success with the light that hangs above. It became the object of target practice years ago and we have no idea what shape it’s in. Plus it’s way high on the building so not exactly the easiest to reach.

*I did have great personal news…I’m four years younger than I thought! I am going to ignore the later clarification from Ed as to how that came to be and then not, and I’m just going to enjoy the idea.

*We had two piano players in our midst, and hopefully next year they will plunk away on the “not-too-out-of-tune” piano that has survived less than desirable conditions for the past 25 years. After some Crown, Jameson, Margaritas, no one will be paying that close attention to how it sounds anyway. Also, one of the non-pilot guests is a drummer in a band. Throw in a couple of singers…it could get interesting.

*”You are welcome!” to those who specifically thanked me for the added bonus at the school. First time visitors probably weren’t as impressed because they didn’t have to deal with the former arrangement. :D

*Tim and Jeannette heard no bumps in the night and were the first ones to take advantage of the efforts put forth this summer. Yay! I’m glad it worked out for you—and we so enjoyed the last night of your stay. ;) (Tim- if you could pm J’s email that would be great…we need to get working on the “trip.”)

We totally enjoyed seeing everyone again; those who we’ve come to know well, the surprise visitors who—well, surprised us, and those who came for the first time. We missed everyone who have become “the regulars” that couldn’t make it and we talked about you :yes: Hoping that next year will be kinder to you as you deal with repairs, weather, whatever.

Some have asked about pictures and I will sort through them and get them to Ed to put on the website. I hate to admit that I haven’t given him the 2012’s yet...ugh. Where did the year go?