Thanks for the rides!!!


Taxi to Parking
Gone West
Feb 26, 2005
Ft Lauderdale FL
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I want to thank you all for the offers of the rides, and especially you Mike who coordinated everything. The Man talked to His Boss, and apparently his boss said "We Have an International Immigration Drive going on right now spending millions of dollars looking for people like him to come here, now give him a work permit." So it looks like I'll be here another couple months before I come back.
Let us know, even if you don't make it through scenic Kansas i might be able to fly over and meet you somewhere.

Henning said:
I want to thank you all for the offers of the rides, and especially you Mike who coordinated everything. The Man talked to His Boss, and apparently his boss said "We Have an International Immigration Drive going on right now spending millions of dollars looking for people like him to come here, now give him a work permit." So it looks like I'll be here another couple months before I come back.

That's cool, especially since you invested in the trip. Just curious, why are they on an immigration drive?
Dave Krall CFII said:
That's cool, especially since you invested in the trip. Just curious, why are they on an immigration drive?

No one with half a brain would live here, and everybody who isn't lazy and leftwing leaves.:rolleyes: :D :dunno: . Seriously, shortage of talent down here.
Actually, Henning, this is good news, because by the time you DO come back I will be much more proficient in the Pitts and the ride will become much more ... interesting.
Henning said:
No one with half a brain would live here, and everybody who isn't lazy and leftwing leaves.:rolleyes: :D :dunno: . Seriously, shortage of talent down here.

You just keep an eye out for them UAVs flying around looking for you. :)
Ken Ibold said:
Actually, Henning, this is good news, because by the time you DO come back I will be much more proficient in the Pitts and the ride will become much more ... interesting.

Cool, warning my limit is about 10 pulls to 6+gs in 10 minutes, then it's:vomit: :vomit: :vomit: , then I'm good to go again:D .
Henning said:
Cool, warning my limit is about 10 pulls to 6+gs in 10 minutes, then it's:vomit: :vomit: :vomit: , then I'm good to go again:D .
Well, your duffle will be on your lap, so just open it up and launch away!!!