Thank you hotel PoA!


The pilot formerly known as Twin Engine Ted
Oct 9, 2007
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The past week has been a long one for me, with spending almost every night in a different state. Friday night I left heading for Iowa, but unforecasted fog came in, with the METARs showing VV001 1/4SM FZFG. Yeah, I'm not getting in there.

I stopped at Burlington, WI (KBUU) for fuel, and gave Pete a call and asked if he wanted to get a couple beers... in 30 minutes. Pete was kind enough to come to the airport on zero notice and pick me up, take me to dinner, and let me sleep on his couch for the night. Let's not forget take me to breakfast and back to the airport in the morning!

Made it to Iowa, shooting the ILS to mins. The METARs said OVC003. They lied. I was about to push the throttles forward to go missed when the runway appeared. The next day I headed off to Lincoln to pick up Jesse, who was going to come along on the adventure out west. We loaded up and were ready to go and... the left engine wouldn't start. Turned out the shower of sparks lead had broken on the left mag, and good luck getting the thing to start without that. Those engineers who figured that out were pretty smart. After fiddling with it for about an hour, we realized we weren't going to figure out the problem, and it was going to cost a lot to get a mechanic out there that afternoon, plus they wouldn't likely have the parts (this was before we knew the problem).

So, Jesse and Tristan were gracious enough to host me for the night. The next morning the mechanics at the airport fixed the plane, and I was on my way.

Tony and Leah get an honorable mention, as they would have gladly hosted me on my way back eastbound, but I ended up going to Iowa instead.

PoA is a great group for a lot of reasons, but one of the best is the fact that if you're on PoA, you have friends all over the country who will show up on a moment's notice to help you out. I'm the sort of person who tries to not rely on anyone, but it sure is both nice and comforting to have friends who you know you can rely on. Thanks to Pete, Jesse, and Tristan for being there when I needed help! (and Tony and Leah for being willing to!)

I've had the honor of being housed by a few members (and former members) in my time, including Jesse, Ed Fred, and Mark.

I've hosted a few members myself, and am always willing to (as long as you like dogs) again. I'll even (and have in the past) pick you up at the airport, take you to dinner, and then take you back to the airport too if you don't want to stay. I love you guys.

I've had the honor of being housed by a few members (and former members) in my time, including Jesse, Ed Fred, and Mark.

I've hosted a few members myself, and am always willing to (as long as you like dogs) again. I'll even (and have in the past) pick you up at the airport, take you to dinner, and then take you back to the airport too if you don't want to stay. I love you guys.

I love you, too, Nick... but I thought we were keeping a lid on that for now...
we're just glad we didn't have to clean the apartment :)
lol before. he never actually stopped here. instead he was out in western kansas getting searched for drugs. smart move.

I had been recovering an aileron in the living room and the place was a bit cluttered.
Waiting for your trip here. Nice packed snow conditions down at the strip. Should be no problem. Tofu on the barbie. OK for you summer's salmon catch instead.
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Waiting for your trip here. Nice packed snow conditions down at the strip. Should be no problem. Tofu on the barbie. OK for you summer's salmon catch instead.

Have dogs, will travel. :)
Well don't expect any of that here. I don't give aid and comfort to the enemy, you suspicious person you.
Well don't expect any of that here. I don't give aid and comfort to the enemy, you suspicious person you.

Not even if I bring you a puppy? Come on, how can you not like a puppy?!


Everyone say it...

Awww..... PUPPIES!!!
You Missed Hotel Peoria. Don't tell me you don't know where 3MY is. I know you've been here..... :(

And no, it's not Hotel New Hampshire....
You Missed Hotel Peoria. Don't tell me you don't know where 3MY is. I know you've been here..... :(

And no, it's not Hotel New Hampshire....

I know quite well where it is, Bruce! I hope to one day get to come visit and will let you know when the routing allows. :)

Had I decided to leave Iowa on Wednesday, Peoria was one of the places I was thinking about for a fuel stop. However being concerned with the en-route ice I decided that it made more sense to stay put another day. I don't like taking off when the entire route of flight has PIREPs for moderate icing at the altitudes I'd want to fly.
Not even if I bring you a puppy? Come on, how can you not like a puppy?!


Everyone say it...

Awww..... PUPPIES!!!

More than two dogs is eccentric. I already have two dogs and no desire to be considered any more eccentric than I already am. Besides, the puppies are probably cleverly and diabolically trained plants to help you carry out your evil plans, you suspicious person.

I want the one on the left! Can you deliver? Both are adorable.

I stopped at Burlington, WI (KBUU) for fuel, and gave Pete a call and asked if he wanted to get a couple beers... in 30 minutes. Pete was kind enough to come to the airport on zero notice and pick me up, take me to dinner, and let me sleep on his couch for the night. Let's not forget take me to breakfast and back to the airport in the morning!


Sorry I missed you - Pete called right after you called him, but I was, as usual, nowhere around. (At least I was flying!) Hope to catch you next time!

And you're right on about hotel PoA. I spent a stormy night on Mark B's couch. Luckily, haven't needed any others, but it's nice to have a support network that covers the whole country. :)
Everyone say it...

Awww..... PUPPIES!!!

Ted, you know if you ever have to divert into the Indianapolis, Claudia and I's door is open to you and your canine cargo. Actually the invitation stands for anyone from PoA. If you find yourself in Indianapolis (especially at KEYE), feel free to look us up to say hello or to inquire about an overnight stay on our couch. We're literally across the street from KEYE.
PoA is a great group for a lot of reasons, but one of the best is the fact that if you're on PoA, you have friends all over the country who will show up on a moment's notice to help you out.
I've had the pleasure of being on the receiving end of a lot of those generous friends as I've flown around the country. :yes: The list is long, and includes Bruce, Dave Taylor, Missa, Barb Miller, Jay (even though I paid for the room he went WAY above and beyond what a hotel owner would normally do!), and people from other forums, including the Citabria forum and the AOPA forum. There were many more offers that were made, but the timing and weather made that a problem at the times I was passing through. I DO appreciate the generosity of my forum friends here. :)

A LOT of PoA friends have stayed here at the farm. Sometimes it was for a party here, and sometimes people were just passing through. That is a long list too. :yes: If Kent could get his big ol' truck in our little bitty driveway, he could stay here, as well. :D

You Missed Hotel Peoria. Don't tell me you don't know where 3MY is. I know you've been here..... :(

It's the best hotel ever!!! :yes: And you can't beat the people there. :)
The S-1 might take a while, especially since Rick hasn't gotten his S-7 finished yet.
Any time Ted! Glad you enjoyed the room all to yourself and the best blow up mattress walmart has to offer! ;)
It's good that you and Jesse now have a mattress for your permanent living room. ;)
I don't know many of you by name and I've only recently come back to visiting with you all so I wouldn't feel right in asking for a place to spend the night :blush:.... But I have spent the night at The Farm, twice! My wife and I got to sleep with the Citabria, it don't get much better than being put up in the hangar :D
I don't know many of you by name and I've only recently come back to visiting with you all so I wouldn't feel right in asking for a place to spend the night :blush:.... But I have spent the night at The Farm, twice! My wife and I got to sleep with the Citabria, it don't get much better than being put up in the hangar :D

:D Wayne, you're funny. :D

You know, I think of you every time I open a bottle of wine. :D
I don't know many of you by name and I've only recently come back to visiting with you all so I wouldn't feel right in asking for a place to spend the night :blush:.... But I have spent the night at The Farm, twice! My wife and I got to sleep with the Citabria, it don't get much better than being put up in the hangar :D
Wayne, Leslie and I haven't spent a night with the Citabluberria, but we've been in the main house. And I think we met you (briefly) at Gaston's last year. Don't worry, any friend of Diana's has a bed at our place! (As long as you can deal with rooming with a witch! :))
Still haven't figured out how to use that Rabbit? :rofl:
:D I finally got the hang of it. What a neat little gadget! :yes: Sitll don't know how to used the wax remover thingy, so I just drill on down through the wax part. :D

Wayne, Leslie and I haven't spent a night with the Citabluberria, but we've been in the main house.
I hope you guys come back was fun having you here! :)
Ted, you have a bed in mid Michigan... Anyone who rescues helpless animals can't be all bad (despite what I am told behind your back)...
Just aim for KHYX or KMBS and we will come fetch... We even have room for critters...
PM me and I will give you a phone number just in case...
So does the hotel PoA come with free wireless???? :D
Do you people actually exist? Just thought you were electrons in space.

C'mon, really?
