Temporary Umbrella/Excess Insurance


Management Council Member
Mar 15, 2016
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I'm renewing my plane's insurance for another year. The good news is that the premium went down measurably (only reason I can think of is that I hit 1,000 hours, so all those $100 hamburgers are starting to pay off!) But my policy still falls short of the Canadian requirements and I don't want to just upgrade the policy across the board. For my plane's max gross weight of 5,680 lbs, my understanding is that I need $1M total with $300k/passenger coverage. My policy is $1M and $100k/passenger. Does anyone here have experience shopping for a temporary umbrella policy of the sort that would cover the next $200k/passenger to make me Canada-legal?
At least in the US virtually all umbrella policies exclude aviation.
At least in the US virtually all umbrella policies exclude aviation.
Right. I'm looking for aviation-specific extra coverage, if such a beast exists.
I looked into this for MX not CA, but IIRC my carrier wanted me to just amend my current policy for the higher limit. Is that not possible (or economical) in this dark insurance climate?

I don't think a policy amendment would carry the same "minimum earned premium" trap as cancelling the whole policy would -- in theory you could play everyone dirty, add the coverage, fly the mission, then drop the coverage and await your pro-rated refund at policy end or sooner. :)
We have an excess policy on our C340 to add liability to what the owner wants. It is from Allianz.
I have never had customs is Canada ask for proof of insurance.
You know how the traffic is sometimes all going 15 mph over the limit and it's almost suicidal to try to go the speed limit, so you just go with the flow, and the highway patrol decides to single one car out of the millions to write a ticket? That's my car. But even I haven't been ramp checked anywhere, yet.