Temporary Intercom?


The pilot formerly known as Twin Engine Ted
Oct 9, 2007
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The 414's right side intercom doesn't work. No idea why. I'd like a way to be able to communicate with a co-pilot other than having one ear off.

I have two Zulus - if I put a standard 1/8" 4-section audio cable between the two, can we talk like I would if it were plugged into a cell phone? Any other ideas?
Maybe, never tried it, another idea is just to borrow a portable intercom, like you'd see in a champ or cub
Worse comes to worst ==>
Pen and Paper. Make believe you are IRA consulting a controller
You can probably get a portable unit for a couple of hundred bucks... :yes:
I bought a sigtronics SPO early on in my flying as planes at that time rarely had built in intercoms. Years later I pounced on a second for $40. Even after installing a panel mount in my plane it's come in handy. We've used it for ferrying other aircraft without intercoms (or even any avionics) and it's real fun to when going to a NASCAR race where we jack it into the scanner and we can talk to each other over the car noise.
I bought a sigtronics SPO early on in my flying as planes at that time rarely had built in intercoms. Years later I pounced on a second for $40. Even after installing a panel mount in my plane it's come in handy. We've used it for ferrying other aircraft without intercoms (or even any avionics) and it's real fun to when going to a NASCAR race where we jack it into the scanner and we can talk to each other over the car noise.

I do the same with the portable that I bought years ago for the same reason.
I ended up being able to borrow a portable intercom this past weekend, which worked very well.