Sunny Wisconsin Saturday


Cleared for Takeoff
Jul 26, 2009
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Cool temps, sunny skies, trees starting to change color and a river of exposed sand bars. Couldn't ask for anything more. Oh, and got to run an excavator for the first time too. That was fun!


Nice pictures..!!!

And man, I can sure do some damage with an excavator... can't get the dirt to go where I want it to, but I sure have fun...
i will be visiting my son in Madison in a couple of weeks and am looking forward to flying with him up there. Very nice there this time of year. Our last visit to see him was last December and it was not so pleasant....
IMG_1007.JPG Great weather for a grouse hunt with the younger Son. We added a bunch of recreational shooting too. We had to walk a good bit, took our unconventional hunting dog. With the two half day hunts we managed 7 birds.

The dog is recovering this morning, she had a great time.
Nice pictures..!!!

And man, I can sure do some damage with an excavator... can't get the dirt to go where I want it to, but I sure have fun...

Yeah, we are in the same position. We have a loader on the front of our tractor and it was really hard to remap my brain to use the two joysticks on the excavator in a fashion completely different from the tractor! My stick time pretty much ended up consisting of digging out of a pile that my friend wanted flattened and dumping it (from as high as possible with childish sound effects!) in the low spot that he needed filled in.