Summer is nearly over...


Final Approach
Mar 14, 2005
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Today I received the first email from my OSCM 424 professor for the fall semester which starts next Monday. He was telling us where we can find the syllabus online, what books we need to buy, and what we need to have read before coming to the first class next week.

I guess this email, along with tons of foreign students on campus today to take the 'English placement test', marks the end of the Summer 2008 for college students. :( And that also means I only have one more 'summer' next year before getting back to the year-long work cycle. Oh well, I'll nearly be 30 by then, so I guess I put it off as long as possible. ;)

Oh well, there's always 6Y9 coming up weekend after next as one last hoorah before settling into the drone of blow-hard professors that like to hear themselves talk. :rolleyes:

EDIT: No more than 15 minutes after posting this, I got another email from my MIS 435 professor with the same info. Argh!
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no question about it... yer doomed. For the next 9 months or so, anyway.

Doomed, I say. Doomed. :eek:

Hey, it could be worse - there's people out there operating the portajohn truck, you know? :eek:
The alternative is to stay ignorant. or is it ignernt?
Im only doomed until december, woohoo!
Whew boy. Today is dorm move-in day on campus.

My two mile, usually 5-7 minute drive to campus for work took me well over 15 minutes today. I usually ride my bike, but I had errands to run after work and decided to drive and park in the parking deck. BAAAAD idea.

I can only imagine what the new Super Wal-Mart in town is like today. :hairraise::hairraise: Maybe I'll wait till Christmas Break to run my errands.;)
yea, after spending a few summers in a college town, it really sucks when all the students come back, no where to park.
Our students come back next week. That's when I'll have LONG lines turning into campus where I work!
My wife is over in Pullman helping her sorority with fall rush this week. The major move-in for everyone else is this coming weekend. Boy is she going to have a LOT of on-coming traffic driving back across the state on Saturday.
After taking college classes year-round for four years solid, I must say that I do not miss that feeling whatsoever.
We Just had the college apartment moving day here in Madison. Aug 15th also known as hippie christmas. You should see all those nasty college couches and end tables sitting out on the curb :)
We Just had the college apartment moving day here in Madison. Aug 15th also known as hippie christmas. You should see all those nasty college couches and end tables sitting out on the curb :)

Hell, in Australia, you get that once a month (actually, it lasts 3-4 days everytime) on "Hard Rubbish" day where you stack all the big crap for the council to take away. It's like a huge garage sale, everyone driving around picking up other peoples garbage (will admit to snagging a refridgerator marked "Works!"). Hippies (and Australia is full of freakin hippies) call it Treasure Hunting.
Im only doomed until december, woohoo!

I assume that all y'all are at least learning something worth while.

I just finished the second day of "Six Sigma Black Belt" (trademark blah blah blah). 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM is too long to even pretend to pay attention.
I assume that all y'all are at least learning something worth while.

I just finished the second day of "Six Sigma Black Belt" (trademark blah blah blah). 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM is too long to even pretend to pay attention.

WOOHOO! Right up my alley -- double major Management Information Systems (MIS) and Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM). I'll be taking OSCM 424 - "Process Analysis and Management" this semester. I breezed through the 'intro' OSCM class this summer which, according to the prof and other College of Business students, is the hardest core business class in the college. I really enjoyed the logic of process planning, etc. Not sure if we'll get any deeper into the Six Sigma stuff this semester or not, but next semester has 3 more 400+ level OSCM classes.