

Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
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White Chocolate
We are open to any and all suggestions on how we can make things even better next year.

Suggestions involving technology will be looked at......and pooped on. :rofl:
I thought it was just fine. Especially how you managed to keep the bugs at a minimum! Good job on the drought :)

Seriously, you guys did great. I would not change a thing.
Suggestions involving technology will be looked at......and pooped on. :rofl:

well a way to get weather at the airport would be nice...but as long as someone is there with a 496 etc. to check weather on I suppose its not necessary.

i cant really think of anything that needs improving. get that runway longer and you'll need more tiedowns though :)
If you get electric out to the pilot shack, it would be great for charging up that 496, but it worked well just letting you charge it at the house. I mentioned to Brad that a floor mat by the shower would have been nice. But I was just ecstatic that there was a shower to even worry about a floor mat! You guys did great!
Things went pretty dang well in my eyes. It was the perfect mix of action and relaxation. Weather info would be nice, even if it means taking a laptop to a local phone hookup for DSL or *gasp* dial-up.

One request for me personally -- could you paint the window in the shower a little higher? It was probably concealing enough for 99.9% of the people there, but for me, I had a clear view at the neighbor working on his 4-wheeler and vice versa. ha! :D
LOL Chris.

Next year we'll have something else worked out for that.
I remember discussing this at the flyin....You should set up a 4 course radio range for when the WX gets bad:D .

Ed weren't you going to chat with John Clough about getting an IR approach?
well a way to get weather at the airport would be nice...but...

I'm sure Ed could arrange to get one of those Weather Rocks. If it's wet, it's raining, if it's moving, it's windy, if it's gone, find shelter!

Actually, we had alot of weather at the airport......beautiful weather! :D

Could you please fix my schedule so I can go next year?


Does that help?:D
An end to the drought and a place to have a campfire.

Had a great time, Ed, despite battling a cold. You guys were great hosts. :cheerswine:
No drought = bugs

I'll take drought

You forget that one of the attendees (me) is a recovering professional bug killer. I can bring some stuff up there that I can guarantee will keep the bugs away. And as an added bonus, we'll all glow in the dark at night so we won't need flashlights! :D