Sugarbush Soaring Youth Camp Scholarship


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Aug 28, 2007
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Dave Bahnson
Sugarbush Soaring in Vermont is holding three youth camps this year, each one consisting of 9 campers (age 13 to 18) during the camp week. Three positions are held open for full or partial scholarships that come from a separate but related non-profit organization, Flight Experience for Youth. The goal of the scholarships is to increase diversity and inclusion in aviation. I have attached the information in .pdf form for anyone who might be interested in applying for one of the scholarship positions. (As happens every year, the non-scholarship positions are already filled for 2024, but scholarship applications are held open until March 15th.) Warren-Sugarbush (0B7) is arguably one of the prettiest glider airports in the country, and during the camp weeks virtually all of the activity is dedicated to the camp's success.

I have been a tow pilot for these camps for many years and have witnessed first-hand the impressive learning during the camps and the enthusiasm of the campers during the experience. It's a fabulous opportunity at this critical age in development, and many parents are extremely impressed with the positive changes they see in their own kids at each camp completion. If interested please read the attached document and feel free to contact me or just post here with any questions.

The hyperlinks aren't active on the attached .pdf, so I've added them here:
Flight Experience for Youth (FEFY) -
Sugarbush Soaring - Sugarbush Soaring



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