Stupid Pilot

Put me in the camp that if this was done safely, it was pretty cool.

The knee-jerk condemnation of it by some fellow pilots kind of surprises me.

I'm also curious about the exact charges. Some counties and municipalities may have statutes forbidding off-airport landings. Barring that, I can only imagine some general, catchall, and vague statutes like "disorderly conduct" or one regarding threats to the general welfare. Dig deep enough into a statute book and one can almost always come up with something to charge.
Knee jerk condemnations certainly abound here.:mad:
Not saying it's the right thing, but by the same token you could say they should fine the drunk driver that does damage only, not the one that gets hammered but still drives safely.

They do. The functioning drunks who are able to drive without swerving at or above the limits dont get caught.