Starting off here

Cowman, I got my ticket in 8 weeks. Cost $10,000. If it is a go after your first flight I would recommend Sporty's DVD Course. After my ppc I built an RV-10. Staying current renting 172's while building. 5.8 hrs of -10 transition trng and now have 85 hrs in our own -10. Cost is a little higher than your figure above but worth it when you can do everything but static system test/transponder test on your own plane. Cruises 160 ktas on 10.3-11.5 gph. There are alot of options. Renting for awhile after your ppc is best. Learn all you can about weather. Fly at least twice a week to help your training go quicker. Have fun!
Until that day you need to get yourself and all your stuff out of the plane in the pouring rain... and try getting some shade under a Cherokee wing sometime... :wink2:

Or until that day you want to take a photograph without that $#^& wingtip in it.

I'm current in both 172 and Warrior/Archer. I use the best one for the mission at hand. The 172 seems to be slightly better at high density altitude (above 10,000 feet) while trying to clear a pass. And that's also the time when the photos seem best. The Archer (especially) is better suited to long flights.

But I do agree that the transition is trivial. I did mine (to a Warrior) in two hours, only that long because I combined it with a mountain checkout and a cross-country.
Wouldn't you know it.. mission scrubbed due to turbulent weather and a sick wife. Trying again this weekend.

From talking to the flight instructor I'd be able to rent a 172 from this airport to do what I want to do, at least for trips with me and my wife. Maybe doing that for a while and seeing how often it comes up that we wished we could carry extra people will tell me whether I want something faster or I want something with more useful load.