SSRI How often do I need to see psychiatrist?


Joe Schmo III

I have been on an approved SSRI for 3 months now. Will be starting the process with HIMS AME soon but can somebody tell me if there is a required frequency that I am supposed to see my psychiatrist at? Like once a month? Every two months? Or is there no specific requirement? Thanks!
If you're just starting an SSRI, you should be following up with your prescribing physician regularly. For FAA certification, your symptoms need to resolve or be reduced to minimal level and you'll need to be on a stable dose for six months. The FAA will probably what you to follow up at least quarterly for the foreseeable future. That routine follow-up can generally be with psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist or counselor.

I would recommend that you meet with a HIMS AME soon to start discussing the FAA medical requirements in more detail.
I have been on an approved SSRI for 3 months now. Will be starting the process with HIMS AME soon but can somebody tell me if there is a required frequency that I am supposed to see my psychiatrist at? Like once a month? Every two months? Or is there no specific requirement? Thanks!
The literally correct answer is at a minimum six monthly, but the guy is likely to observe medical community stds for care and see you about every 14 days to start then monthly then every other monthly......then quarterly......