Specs? What specs?

Twitter was a-buzz today with all the places that still had them. They'll probably all be completely sold out of the retail supply chain by Monday with a dribble of them through the end of the week as any warehouse stock is eaten up.

The price difference between the retail price and the fire sale price is interesting, if it's a break-even thing.
Twitter was a-buzz today with all the places that still had them. They'll probably all be completely sold out of the retail supply chain by Monday with a dribble of them through the end of the week as any warehouse stock is eaten up.

The price difference between the retail price and the fire sale price is interesting, if it's a break-even thing.

I'm wondering who would buy dead-end hardware like that? Even for 99 bucks. :dunno:

BTW, my sister was asking me about a new computer, and while I was poking around the refurb section of the Apple Store, I noticed the 16 GB WiFi-only iPad's are now going for $299 (down from $349). Looks like that might have happened in the last couple o' days...
I'm wondering who would buy dead-end hardware like that? Even for 99 bucks. :dunno:

Most get these to couch surf, check email, read in bed, look up recipes from the kitchen, etc; for that kind of stuff, this is a steal. Dead end? As soon as the 'nix jockeys get them en masse, expect open source options for the operating system.
I'm wondering who would buy dead-end hardware like that? Even for 99 bucks. :dunno:

I'll buy at least one if (when) they pop again. I bought 3 of the docking stations already. Yes. I'm an idiot.

I've wanted a Chumby for a display of weather and home automation and such. This will be better.